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She woke up her head pounding. Her eyes were unfocused and the first thing that her muddled brain realized was the cold, the strong seeping cold that goes through all clothes and flesh and clings onto you unrelenting. When her eyes came into focus she saw the dark sky and twinkling stars. The next thing were the bars in front of the windows. Then came the dark unpainted rough stone walls and the bars that acted as the front of her cell. Then sound came back. Low moaning and high screaming, insane laughter echoing through the halls. She pushed herself up from the floor, which was made from the same rough stone as the walls. She looked through the room. All that was in the cell was a small ratty mattress and a blanket that once had been a different color but had turned a dirty brown with holes in it. She put her hand to her head as the world began to spin. She felt a big bump on the side of her head. She hissed as her fingertips touched it. She said on her knees and was directed so she could look out the small window.
When she found her barrings after a few minutes which felt like hours for the female her first clear thought was Where am I? She took her hand from her head and held them in front of her face. The skin was a bit tanned as if she was outside a lot but her skin wasn't programmed to stay rather pale. Her fingernails were long, clean but cut in an oval shape. Her fingers were long but not overly so. They had no calluses but had small scars most likely from a kitchen or potion knives. Potions? What is potions? The girl wrecked her head and finally found the answer: Magic! She had magic. She was a witch. Then the next thought struck Who am I? What's my name? She began to panic. She couldn't remember her name! She shot up from her position on the floor and swayed for a second. She found her balance and ran to the big front of bars. She wrapped her hands around the bars and pressed her face between her hands and looked up and down the hallway. All she could spy were rows of prison bars. Her hallway was empty except one cell three rooms down and across from her. His shaggy dark hair was all she could see from her angle.
She called out "Hello? Where are we?"
The still figure of a man moved into the bit of moonlight. His eyes were a dark grey he was thin and his clothes were riddled with holes. Life flashed into his eyes. "Hello? Is someone there? You are not another illusion, are you?"
"Illusion? No I don't think so. Where are we? What is your name?"
"You don't know where we are? We are in Azkaban, the prison of the magical world. And my name? No one has asked for my name for a long time. And what's your name?"
Silence followed that question. "I don't know? I can't remember anything."
"Anything? Really you remember nothing?" The man was standing up. He was tall.
"Well...I know that I have magic. I just don't know how I know."
"Sirius Black"
"My name. Sirius Black. Do you know why you are here?"
"I remember nothing. No faces, no names, no places I have been to. I remember a few places like Hogwarts, Diagon Ally but I don't know if I have been there. I don't even remember my name." Again silence fell. "And my age. Can you see what color my hair or eyes have?"
Before Sirius could answer an even colder and biting cold crept into the hallway. Frost grew on the walls. She and Sirius leapt from the bars. She lost sight of him.
The girl slid down and cowered pressed against the wall opposite the bars. Hopelessness gripped hold onto her heart. Her eyes went glassy as she was sacked into memories.

She was floating. There was nothing only darkness. Darkness deeper than the darkest night. No stars to break up the hopelessness. No moon to send relieving strips of light through the night. She tried to turn around but as she was floating it was a bit difficult. Dark pits surrounded her . She pulled her knees up to her chest and slung her arms around them. Dark and cold. So cold so cold. She wished so much for light. Then the cold retreated and her cell came back into focus.
She heard sobbing from the only other occupant of the hallway. She wound her arms from their strong grip and stood up. She walked up to the bars and called down the hallway "Sirius? Are you okay."
Then she made out sobbed sentences. "No Lily! Prongs...no never I would never betray you. James! Too late...too late. Prongslet. My sweet Prongslet. Never!"
She began to panic. What can I do? He needs to calm down. In her corner of her eyes she saw shadows with ragged cloaks but choose to ignore them. She focused on Sirius. "Sirius!" She screamed "Sirius calm down! Everything is okay. You are here in Azkaban. There is no Lily no James no Prongs and no Prongslet. Calm down!" Her screams fell onto deaf ears. Sirius only screamed louder. She thought and thought fast. How do you wake a grown man from his worst nightmare? All her brain supplied was a bittersweet melodies. Not now brain. I need to help him! Then she thought of words. She began to hum. A sweet tune spilled over her lips

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