Treasure untold

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"Sirius?" Melody asked the animagus after a short period from silence. A grunt was all she got as an answer. "Sirius? How do you meditate. You probably have a lot more experience as I even if I could remember." That finally garnered an answer "You really want to pull through with this, pup?" he sighed as she agreed "Alrighto. First you have to clear your head. That perhaps is the most complicated part. At least it was for my friends and I. We already have a quiet" a scream from upstairs interrupted him "ok, relatively quiet area. Now empty your head."

"Sorry" she joked "I would like my brain to stay inside my head, thank you very much." He barked out a laugh, his animalistic traits showing in his laugh. "I meant your mind, Mel, and you know it." She giggled a bit and the rest from underlying tension went away.

She tried to clear her mind but always doubt and worry would spring up. She concentrated and repeated Sirius' words in her head like a mantra. She was ripped out of her thoughts by a screech from the upper levels. She gasped. It felt as if someone had dumbed a bucket of water over her head to wake her up.

"You alright?" Sirius asked

She shivered "I am fine. Just a little cold."

"Did you see anything?" he asked curiosity clear in his voice

She rolled her eyes "Sirius. It's been like five minutes as if I could achieve anything in such a short time. He rubbed the back of his neck "Actually I forgot to tell you something. Most people forget all time and space around them if they try to meditate for the first few times. I think it's about midnight or later right now."

"What?!" she exclaimed "Sirius don't tell me you forgot anything important." She stood up and tried to get a bit warmer by running around in the limited space and rubbing her arms feverishly "Damn I'm cold."


"Sirius what now?"

"Actually, the book from which we learned how to become animagi mentioned that one should probably try it wrapped in blankets and have someone on stand by to go get hot cocoa."

She growled at him and then huffed "That's something we can't change here. Hot chocolate is as reachable as a comfy bed right now."

She settled down on her bed and wrapped the blanket around her shoulders. She tried to focus on her task but it seemed more difficult as she was still annoyed at Siri Damn mutt can't even tell me the simplest of things. Idiot. Dementors must have messed with his stupid head. This struck a though in her head. They probably did. He was here for like what? Twelve years? Eleven? I hope I get out here before that. But what if I really did something bad? NO, no Sirius said that if something like that had happened that that wasn't me at all. Calm down... calm down Melody. GREAT! Now I am talking to myself in my head. Uhhh! She groaned. This wasn't getting any better.

She stood up and went to the bars blocking the hallway. "Shh Sirius!" she didn't know why she whisper shouted "Sirius!" A snore echoed in the hallway "Great now he is asleep. And awesome I get to share a hallway with someone that snores. She went back to the other side of the cell and stood on her toes to look outside the tiny barred window.

The sky was tinted orange and the sea was a fiery ocean of rocking shades of orange and red. The sky directly above the prison was dark with clouds. Dark silhouettes contrasted with the fiery sky. At first, she though it was birds flying over the cliffs. Then she realised that there were no birds at Azkaban. Dementors cast their unholy shadow overhead. She shivered at the sight of them. She tried to ignore the soul sucking demons and tried to concentrate on the beautiful scenery. She breathed out a breath she didn't notice she held in. She took in the air around the prison. It smelled of salt and slightly fishy but there was something else mixed into the scent. Despair. So much despair and hopelessness that had collected over the centuries. So much that it had become tangible and even acquired scent. However that was possible. One Dementor swooped closer to the window and she jumped away from the cold.

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