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While reading Sirius' part listen to:

While reading Melodies part listen to:

It's the same music I wrote this to and hope this makes your hearts move at least a little bit. Comment if the music was fitting.

„I see...There is a soft light. It is a room, outside is a warm summer night..." Sirius pauses to get himself together "The stars and the moon are so bright. I am inside a living room of a small cottage. There is a red rug on top polished wooden floorboards. The walls are a soft cream colour. The curtains are light and still ruby red, gold embellishments weave through the fabric. There is a fireplace, on the mantelpiece photos of teens in Hogwarts uniforms and a small statue of a stag, a dog, a wolf and a lily. The walls are hung with more pictures of the same teens as on the mantelpiece fooling around and having fun. In the middle of the room there is a comfy couch and some chairs all decked out in gold and reds. On the couch there are two adults. One with unruly black hair and glasses. The woman next to him with fiery red hair and emerald eyes joy sparkling in them. She holds a tiny bundle in her arms. A hand reaches out the wrapped blankets and holds onto the hand of a second man. This man has scruffy clothing faint white scars running up his face and hands and his whole body. Though he looks slightly sick he smiles and complete serenity is on his face." A sob interrupted the flow of the description. Sirius just let the tears fall. "He looks so happy. They all do. There is a fourth man. He has curly hair reaching to his shoulders. Handsome and roguish. He has his head thrown back as if someone has just told a very good joke. All their face glow with young strength. They are..." again he had to swallow "They were 22. In the back there was a banner saying 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY HARRY'. We celebrated his first birthday. I gave him a toy broom. Lily said he almost killed the cat with his stunts." A teary laugh came from the man's cell "It was the last time we were all together like that. Without worries."

Silence stretched longer and longer till Melody believed he had gone to sleep. Then a sniffle and a sleeve being dragged across a nose sounded from the cell. "Now is your turn, Mels."

She closed her eyes. Breathed out and started

"There is a cliff. Behind the edge is the endless blue sea. Hardly any wind was blowing. Still the sound of waves crashing onto rocks played in the background. The sky was blue, dotted with white clouds marking patterns onto the grass and ocean. The smell of salt water mixed with the smell of forest and grass. There, just before the edge of the cliff stood a tall tree. A fir tree to be exact. It was tall, strong. It looked ancient yet it did not bow to the force of the elements. The needles green and healthy. When you turned inland you saw a forest beginning after the fir tree's strip of grassland. Many different trees stood there. Pines deformed from wind, birches spotted black between the pines. And there, small and barely noticeable fir trees. Few and far in between and none as big and prideful as the one by the cliff. By the cliff..." she moved her eyes as if she could really see what she was talking about, her eyelids closed. "...there was a child. The little girl sat under the tall fir tree. She was staring at the ocean. She stood up walking to the cliff..."

"HEY! We said still picture!"

She was ripped from her imagination by the yell. She glared at the source of the sound. She huffed and turned to walk to her bed out of sight from the other occupant of the hallway. She was angry at him. She let him put all his heart in his memory. She knew that the memory like he had described it had never happened. She knew that there was one person that was at Harry's first birthday and in the pictures was absent in the picture Sirius just described.

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