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When Melody woke the sun was high up in the sky. She completely ignored the other presence in the hallway. She didn't want to talk with Padfoot. His words still echoed in her head. Pushing her down. She tried pushing the thoughts away but the echoing was never silent. In her effort to clear her mind she went into her breathing pattern. She clenched her eyes shut and curled up in her corner where she had fallen asleep last night.

The formerly ever present screams went away and it was silent. She opened her eyes carefully. She was in her mindscape. White with brown and green. She breathed more easily. Her thoughts calmed. Nothing could hurt her here. No one would judge her here. She uncurled from the ground and stood up. She brushed the dirt of her trousers. She laid her head back and breathed in the smell of the dirt and wood. Melody looked back down. She stood next to her sapling almost in the middle of the circle of dirt. From where she stood it was easy to see that the soil didn't create a perfect circle but on one side it only had half the radius as on the other sides. She turned and spread out her arms and smiled. Her smile wasn't as radiant as it was the first time she accomplished the feat of creating water. She stayed hours upon hours in her mindscape and continued to build and create. When she finally was too exhausted to continue she fell out of her dreamscape.

Melody opened her eyes to the darkness of her cell at night. The typical screams had dulled with night-time. She was about to fall asleep when she heard Sirius mutter in his cell "He's at Hogwarts...Harry...Hogwarts." She ignored his babbling and fell asleep, still not moved from her corner.


She woke once again in the morning. The cold of the Dementors was seeping into her bones. She opened her mouth to sing but shut it once she remembered Sirius words. "Good for nothing. You are Nothing!" He only used her. She would not bring him happiness and help when she wasn't even his friend. But...she didn't want to suffer either. She decided to try and use the music only for her. She began reciting her song in her head. She added a tune and in her head, it clang even more amazing as when it was sung out loud. It was as if a whole choir sang along her. The cold was cast out her lungs. She fell asleep from exhaustion not noticing that there was one very important thing missing in the hallway. No, not a thing...a person. Sirius was gone.


A few hours earlier:

Sirius had fallen into an uneasy sleep. He was muttering. He had devoured the newspaper article. It said that the people in the picture were the Weasleys and that the youngest sons and daughter would soon return to Hogwarts. HE was at Hogwarts. Wait...Harry was at Hogwarts too! He should be in his third year by now. The boy with HIM on his shoulder looked to be around the same age as Harry would be. The Weaselys always were in Gryffindor...Harry is sharing a dorm with the owner of the rat! He could be attacked maybe already had been attacked! He had to get to his godson. He had to.

This was what he was muttering about in his sleep. Some bits and pieces were loud enough to hear.

He awoke with a gasp. He had to get to his godson. Every day he stayed in the damned Prison Harry was in danger for one more day! He had to get out! His mind was in a frenzy. It only focused on his one goal: To kill the rat. Kill the rat. Kill the rat. Kill the rat. Kill the rat. Kill the rat. Kill the rat. Kill the rat. Kill the rat. Kill the rat. Kill the rat! He had to kill the rat.

Bur how? He was stuck in Azkaban and the rat safe in a tower at Hogwarts. The door was locked. He couldn't get out. He had no wand. He couldn't get out. The window was barred. He couldn't get out.

He transformed into his animagus form trying to clear his head and went up to the bars. He paced in front of the bars for ten minutes. He thought of ways to escape. He could think of nothing that would work. He pushed his head against the bars in frustration growling at the bars. Suddenly he felt the cold bars brushing his matted black fur on his neck He opened his eyes. His head had slipped through the bars that were to close together for a human but for a dog, a skinny, underfed would work. He slipped further through the bars bruising his shoulders and hips as they had to be pressed tightly as the bony structures jutted out. He had exited his cell successfully and his one mindedness led him to continue running down the hallways twisting and turning till he found a door. He burst through it and wind caught in his fur. An exhilarating feeling felt him. He hollered in his dog form and sprinted to the shore feet splashing in the salt water. In his mind one sentence repeated over and over overwriting any logical reasoning and sound thought: Kill the rat. Kill the rat. Kill the rat. Kill the rat. Kill the rat. Kill the rat. Kill the rat. Kill the rat. Kill the rat! Kill the rat! Kill the Rat! Kill The Rat! Kill The Rat! KILL THE RAT!

He didn't even once think of the girl he had left in his hallway. A girl still thinking he thought she was a murderer. His thoughts only returned to him when he saw a black-haired boy with startling green eyes and a lightning scar gazing at him scared.

Sorry. I know my chapters are normally longer but I wanted to end here and could not think of any way to make this any longer. Hope you like it. And comment if you have any thoughts on this! Do you think I executed this well? Or not so well? Any idea for me to make this better?

I have never been a believer.
Sure I read story about Jesus.
Hell I still know more about the Bible than some of my classmates.
But I believe in no god.
In no goddess either.
Neither in a group of god's.
Or spirits.
Or ones with greater power.
Who know everything.
One could say I am a woman of science.
But that I don't believe in God doesn't mean I don't believe in anything.
I believe that there is something that connects us all.
I believe in humans.
In humanity.
And really it's hard sometimes.
You hear so many bad news every day.
The ocean is rising.
The earth is warming.
Animals on the brink of extinction.
People at war. So many people at war.
Does it matter if I go to a church to pray
Or if I go to a mosk to do the same?
Or if I don't pray at all?
Does it matter if I get a sunburn as soon as I feel the sun
Or if I was born with such a beautiful chocolate skin tone that I never have to tan?

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2018 ⏰

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