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The screams around Melody went back to their normal level after her songs had passed. Sirius woke up shortly after the Dementors went away. He was woken by an ungodly scream from above. This led to her question "Sirius? Why aren't there so many Dementors around here? Not that I am complaining."

"I think it is because of you, pup. You are new here. When I first arrived the Dementors only came two times a day, too. But as time came their visits grew in number and length."

"So, they will come more often soon?" she inquired.

"Yes, but I don't know how soon. The first weeks and months here where a blur. I only remember me fuming with anger or grieving the loss of my brother." She nodded at the explanation, satisfied.

Suddenly Sirius began to talk "I have an idea to pass the time. I tell you stories of my school time. We did get up to a lot of mischief, you know." He chuckled then he grew sad "Maybe it helps remembering the good times and forget the bad ones at least once."

She nodded more to please him than for her own interest. He began telling his story "To understand the story you first have to know of the situation we were in. The first whispers of conflict started. They spoke of someone rising to power. My family was the ancient and noble house of Black and I as the oldest male was the heir. My family was cruel, not at all like a family should be and many members used dark magic. I didn't, I hated my family. I hated what they were doing. They were all Slytherins in school and from time to time Ravenclaws. Hufflepuffs were seen as week from my parents and Gryffindors...don't ever let them start on their rant on the Gryfs. It was really horrible. When I was eleven I went off to Hogwarts and on the train I met my best friends for the years to come. James and I..."

She listened to his talk as he described his friends and James crush on Lily and how awful Severus 'Snivellus' Snape was. She felt sympathetic to the dog animagus but it bugged her how he spoke of the greasy haired child. She didn't dare question him if it was right to hate the man so as she saw that nothing could change the stubborn man's opinion. She made the right noises at the right parts of the story and laughed at all the jokes in the story. Outside the prison the moon rose higher and higher in the sky as the train in the story neared Hogwarts. Through the last nights it had become smaller by a bit and was currently half dark and half illuminated. At some part of the story she stood up and jogged around the prison to get warm. After midnight Sirius had to stop because all the talking made his throat-that wasn't used to so much talking after years of isolation-started to hurt.

She started to meditate again. After two failed attempts she found herself back in the empty white. As she turned around the fir sapling stood there still, unchanged. She inspected the little tree from all sides. She slid her hand over the still soft needles and rough bark. She breathed in and smiled in content. This was just so peaceful. She tried to find whatever the tree was standing on but her hands only felt nothingness (if you can even feel that).

She drifted back into the physical world and sat there lent against the bars staring towards the slowly colour changing sky outside. As the sun showed its first peek over the horizon the hallway behind her got cold she prepared herself against the Dementors and saw Sirius change into his dog form.

Unlike the last few days this time no new lyrics filled her head but ones she knew already Okay brain, nothing new? I guess I go with this and she began to sing:

Oh my dear,

Don't cry my sweet.

When the sky is clear

The stars come to say goodbye

When darkness creeps

And coldness seeps

Remember you are in my arm.

You are not alone right now

I'll keep you close and I'll keep you warm.

Remember those who held you tight

They kept you close throughout the night.

And remember when you pushed them away

And they smiled at you anyway.

Hush darling don't you cry

Hush hush let all those tears dry.

Everything will be alright

We will survive this darkness night.

Her first song echoed through the hallways again but her mind supplied new lyrics changing the tune ever so slightly to continue the song

When all you see is darkness.

When all you feel is pain

When all your happiness is fleeting away.


There is a light shining in the dark

There is a candle flickering light

There is a sunrise after every night

There is sunshine after every storm.

After every fire raging so bold.

There is a seed blooming in cold.

After every starving winter

There is the richer spring.

All the ice is melting fleeting away.

And underneath the snow and cold

There lies a treasure untold...

The last vocals trailed off again as she regained focus of the world surrounding her. She listened for any sound from Sirius but she only heard him breathing deeply. Heh...At least one of us can sleep. She was tired but somehow to awake to sleep. She didn't feel like meditating. She closed her eyes in attempt to sleep but her mind simply didn't get the message that she wanted to sleep. She felt like she should remember something. Something important. She gripped her head in annoyance. In all the days she was here yet she hadn't really tried to remember, well except the first day. There were no bits and pieces she could cling to, no voices or faces or names. Nothing. She knew she was a witch. She knew of magic, of the society of the magical world. She remembered spells. But no people teaching the spells. No source of information. It was simply frustrating. Did I go to Hogwarts? What house was I in? Then once more the dreaded thought entered her mind: Why am I here? Why? Why? WHY? She clutched her finger in her short hair pulling at the strands. Tears entered her vision blurring everything. No! I won't cry. Gotta be strong! She sprung up forcing her body to move. Running in circles, stretching, grabbing a stabilising bar and doing pull ups doing push ups just anything to distract her mind from THAT thought, trying to tire her body out so she could sleep.

After what seemed like hours of straining her body she fell onto her mattress exhausted and quickly her breath evened out to go in sync with Sirius'.


For what felt like the first time she wasn't forcefully pulled from her sleep but actually awoke because her body couldn't sleep anymore. She stretched massaging her shoulder where she slept on. That mattress is waaay to uncomfortable. She looked out her barred window and saw that it was mid-afternoon. "Oi, Sirius! How long did I sleep?" she shouted across the hallway.

The shaggy haired animagus looked up and grinned "I don't know how long you were up after I fell asleep but it is almost time for the second Dementor round." She groaned. That long?

"Any idea what to do till the demons get here?" the girl asked.

"I don't know? Maybe we can describe the best memory we have. Or in your case the best thing you can imagine? Just a stand still picture." He suggested.

"That is actually a good idea, Siri"

"I am full of surprises, Mels"

They both calmed down searching for the best picture in their mind. The hallway descended into silence.

I hope you liked this part of the story! Please comment what you liked on the story and what you didn't. Constructive criticism is appreciated. Tell me if you find any spelling or grammatic mistakes.

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