Introduction + Rules

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Have you written a fanfiction? Are you looking for an honest - unbiased review to improve your fic? Or simply to expand your readers? Perhaps you want a constructive criticism and sound advice?

Yes? Then you have come to the right place! You can send in your fanfiction to me and I (a fellow potterhead) will give it an honest, personal review! (Don't worry I'm not too harsh nor full of praises. Perhaps a mix? We'll see.)

Before applying please make sure to read the rules.

1) This review book is only for Harry Potter. Please don't send in any other fanfiction or book.

2) Be patient. Please note that I am also a human with a life outside of Wattpad and I too have a busy schedule so be patient after sending in your fic. I can not guarantee you a specific time upon which I will read and review your story. It might take days. But I do guarantee to read and review every application so you don't need to worry (maybe wait a bit but that's all)

3) Be respectful. If you don't like my review you are not forced to follow every word I utter in it so don't spread hate towards me or anyone :)

4) Mention somewhere in your fic that your story has been reviewed by me (@Cold-Drink) or simply dedicate a chapter to me.

5) The password is "Prongs". Make sure to add it in your form. Forms without the password will not be accepted.

6) Make sure to complete payment before filling in the form.

7) You can send in as many fics as you desire. Please make sure to have one fic per form/comment.


1) Follow my account permanently.
I'll have to report you to wattpad if you unfollow after getting your review. (Sorry if it sounds harsh but payment is important.) And I'll check regularly.

2) Comment atleast one honest review (It doesnt have to be long. One line is enough) on my fanfiction "Future in Ink" (On any of the first few chapters)

I would really appreciate it if you read and vote on it but that's not compulsory.

[Criteria and the Form will be given in the next chapters]

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