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This is the criteria upon which I will be judging your book:

1) The Name
The first thing a reader looks at is the name of the fic. Therefore it is very important to choose the story name wisely. It should be unique to catch the reader's eye and intriguing enough to make them stop and look over the fic's description.

2) The Cover
It is essential to have a unique yet beautiful cover for your story here on wattpad. The cover plays a huge part in making a reader's decision on whether to add your fic to their library or not.

3) Story Description
No matter how good your story is, you will not get a lot of reads if your story description is not up to the mark. It should not be too long, this can lead to the reader losing their interest. It should be intriguing so the reader is actually interested to read more. The bottom line is, it needs to be perfect if you want more readers to actually add it in their library and start reading as it shows a glimpse of what the fic is about and how good it is.

4) Grammer and Punctuations
No matter how good the story plot is, if it has a lot of grammer and punctuation problems then a reader will soon lose interest. Minor problems are acceptable as well as bearable. But a little practice and tweaking your work here and there will make it better.

5) The Plot
Is it well thought out? Is it interesting? Is it new and unique? Is it worth reading? After every point mentioned above, the plot comes in and it is, without a doubt, the most important part. This determines whether your fic is really good or not.

6)Overall Fanfiction
My personal thoughts on the overall fic. Will I continue reading it? (If it's incomplete) Did I like it? And such.

Each part will be rated.

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