Review #4 Bat Bogey Hexers {Ginny Weasley}

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Author: sandpipergirl
Fanfiction Name: Bat Bogey Hexers {Ginny Weasley}

1) The Name:
This is a really creative name. According to wattpad's search engine, there's no other fic with a name even remotely close to this, proving it's uniqueness.

Score: 4/5
Rating: ☆☆☆☆

2) The Cover:
I have just one word for the cover. It's perfect. It's simple and has not been overdone. While I don't have anything against actor's on covers, but I prefer it like this and I'm glad you did not put Bonnie Wright on your cover. I really like the girl trying to put on the sweater. Now I don't know if you thought the same while choosing it but it reminded me of Mrs. Weasley's infamous jumpers.

Score: 4/5
Rating: ☆☆☆☆

3) Story Description:
It covers all the important points one looks in a description, tells what the story is about, keeping it intriguing without getting into detail. I did not see any major problem with it so all good!

Score: 7/10
Rating: ☆☆☆

4) Grammer and Punctuations:
There were no major grammer and punctuation problems in the entire fanfiction despite some typos here and there. The only biggest problem was in the first part of the story. You see, its Chamber of Secrets not Secretes. I felt I needed to mention it because you have misspelt it in the entire first part.

Score: 6/10
Rating: ☆☆☆

5) The Plot:
Reading the (sort-of) same story but with Harry, Ron and Hermione out of focus felt really refreshing. It's a really good plot, all with Viola also (sort-of) up to what the Golden trio was (in some ways.) As of now, (70+ chapters) I'm still not so sure about Viola. I know she has a good heart and in the beginning she seemed good but then soon enough all her rudeness made me dislike her. Then in the middle when she tries to patch up her mistakes, she entered my good books again but then her irrational rudeness came again and from that point I keep disliking her more and more. (Maybe I'm getting a bit biased because I adore Ginny) I'm still looking forward to her character development. But I'm also pretty unsure because you mentioned that there are three parts of the fic and this is the last one going. Back on the topic at hand, the plot is, as I mentioned above, really good. It's like all those missing pieces (especially in CoS) which weren't covered in the actual Hp books are filled.

Score: 17/20
Rating: ☆☆☆

Your question was:
Am I accurately portraying the canon HP characters?
Yes you are. I wanted to mention this in the review despite your question that according to me, you're portraying Ginny absolutely perfectly. She's brave and friendly and just like the book Ginny. Thumbs up on that. The other characters like Harry, Ron, Hermione are also pretty similar to JKR's original ones.

6) Overall Fanfiction:
I love your fanfiction. I will definately continue reading this. In fact, I was a bit bummed when I found out that there are only three parts. Please continue it throughout Voila and Lily's time at Hogwarts! Overall, great work!

Total Score: 38/50
Overall Rating: ☆☆☆ (and a half)


Extremely sorry for the delay. I hope this review helped you :) Please do mention somewhere in your fic that it has been reviewed by me (Cold-Drink) or simply dedicate a chapter to me. Thank you :)

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