Review #5 Stars [Ron Weasley]

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Author: JustADreamAway_
Name: Stars [Ron Weasley]

1) The Name:
The name has a hint of mystery in it because it has Ron Weasley in brackets and gets the reader wondering about any connection between stars and Ron. It's simple yet fitting, once you start reading the story. In other words, it's good.

Score: 3/5
Rating: ☆☆☆

2) The Cover:
I really have one word for it. It's elegant. The background full of stars gives a calming effect and the quote at the bottom, adds on to it's perfectness.

Score: 4/5
Rating: ☆☆☆☆

3) Story Description:
I found your description part lacking. The quote mentioned is also on the cover so a reader would have most definitely read it on the cover. The description part is important because like mentioned in the criteria chapter, it makes a reader save your story to their library and it needs to tell something about what would be happening and your's did not fulfill that requirement. I would advice you to copy the summary written on first chapter to the description part because the summary was really intriguing. But you may ignore my advice, it's completely up to you.

Score: 6/10
Rating: ☆☆

4) Grammer and Punctuations:
I did not see any major grammer and punctuation problems in the story. Everything was spot on and the way you used words through out the story, kept me hooked.

Score: 9/10
Rating: ☆☆☆☆

5) The Plot:
It's a really interesting plot. It seems like a well thought out story. Personally, I haven't read any gay fics but I like this one and I'm interested to see how it goes. Right now, it's still sort of the beginning so I don't have anything more to add. I am waiting for some specific scenes and want to see how they turn out so you need to update soon :D

Score: 18/20
Rating: ☆☆☆☆

Your question was:
Does Antares seem like he's a good character?
Yes he definitely has the good guy vibe. He's sweet and really caring. He also seems very passionate about the wellbeing of his friends so yes he does seem like a good character.

6) Overall Fanfiction:
Overall, I loved the idea of your fanfiction and I'll definitely continue reading it. Looking forward to the next chapter. Good job!

Overall score: 40/50
Overall Rating: ☆☆☆☆


Hope this review helped you and thank you for applying here :D Please do mention somewhere in your story that it has been reviewed by me (Cold-Drink) or simply dedicate a chapter to me.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2017 ⏰

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