Review #3 A Wizard and his Dragon

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Author: AnilaBay
Fanfiction Name: A Wizard and his Dragon

1) The Name:
It's a simple yet fitting name for the fic. There are not many fics with names related to this so that's good, making it stand out a bit. The name also tells what to expect from the story, seeing as there's not much detail about the story in the Description, the name overcomes that.

Score: 3/5
Rating: ☆☆☆

2) The Cover:
I really like the cover. The blend of the dragon and those faces is splendid. Although, I'd advice you to maybe sharpen the three pictures in the bottom. They're not very clear and one needs to really focus on them to make out the faces.

Score: 3/5
Rating: ☆☆☆

3)Story Description:
The quote really intrigues a reader to read on and find out what's the purpose of it and I, for one, love simple short descriptions. But I felt that there was a little need to tell what the story is going to be about. (Yes, the name did the job but still) Maybe add a few sentences below the quote.

Score: 7/10
Rating: ☆☆☆

3) Grammer and Punctuations: (This will also answer your question about grammer.)
I did not see any major grammer and punctuation problems. The story and words seemed to be flowing out perfectly and that is a really plus point for your fic.

Score: 8/10
Rating: ☆☆☆☆

4) The Plot
(This will also answer your question for plot.)
It's a really interesting plot. Uptil now, it's also very fascinating and I personally really liked it. But I have a few questions. What is the time era? Have you just taken the wizarding world and made your own story with your own characters or will there be a (or some) known character(s) from Harry Potter? Doesn't the main character go to Hogwarts or is it the summers? Maybe you'll answer these questions as the story progresses because it's just the beginning.

Score: 17/20
Rating: ☆☆☆

Your question was:
What do you think of my character?
As of right now, for me, it's too soon to decide what I think about the character. Although Elliot does seem a really brave and determined person and I can't wait for the chapter when he meets the dragon. That would certainly be interesting. (I'm sorry for my answer being rubbish!)

5) Overall Fanfiction:
Definitely, an interesting read. Also, it's pretty mysterious. I can't wait for the next chapter and for the above mentioned questions to be answered. Keep up the good work!

Total score: 38/50
Overall Rating: ☆☆☆


Hope the review helped you and really sorry for taking so long! Please do mention somewhere in your fic that it has been reviewed by me  (@Cold-Drink) or simply dedicate a chapter to me.

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