twenty nine

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mike grabbed some clothes from nancy's closet. she had left behind a bunch of clothes, many from the time that the demigorgon came. he guessed that the memories that the clothes held hurt her too much to keep them.

he gave them to eleven and left the room, allowing her to change in peace.

they met up in the kitchen once they both were done dressing, grabbing a snack on the way out. mike had made eggos while eleven got dressed, for old times sake. she laughed when he presented them to her. he thought she liked them.

they reminded her of the pain, the heartbreak.

they gave her nostalgia. she could practically taste her memories. for a second, she didn't want the memories to go. they showed her the two of them, mike and eleven, when she was last here.

when she was last home.

she felt sad even thinking about bringing the waffle back in contact with her tongue. she feared the memories would fade and that she'd never remember them.

but she ate it anyway

you know, for old times sake.

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