Chapter 2

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Ayano is walking to her classroom. She noticed a room thats been occasionally used or more known as abandoned. There were lights and an unatural thick aura sticking out of the dim lighted room. She thought it was strange and funny to think that someone would lurk inside the room and do their business in there. Ayano was also curious, so she came closer to the mysterious abandoned room and peeked inside. A tall mysterious boy was somewhat saying something  infront of a girl. He has purple hair that reaches his shoulders and purple glistening eyes that make you melt in.
Ayano almost gasped but held it in. She hid behind a wall.

'I guess he is confessing to his crush?' She giggled at the thought and looked back but was surprised and embarrassed. She fell from the unexpected moment. She closed her eyes and waited for the floor to touch her. Instead, she felt a warm feeling on her back. She suspected that she was catched before she fell. So she opened her eyes to reveal the boy she saw awhile ago in the room.

"A-Ah I'm so sorry miss!" A charming voice raced through Ayano's head.

"Oh its o-okay!" She immediately stood up from the awkward position.

She felt her cheeks heat up. She was so embarresed from the sight earlier.

"A-Actually.. I'm sorry for um.. e-eavesdropping on you're confession with that girl in the room.." She lowered her head and pointed at the abandoned room.

She was expecting something weird but heard the unexpected anyway.

She heard the boy chuckling.
She tensed up and looked at the boy with a confused face.

"Why are you apologising? Its actually an act from the drama club. Didn't you see the sign on the door?" He chuckled even more, growing into a laugh.

'Wait what..' Ayano froze.
She lifted her head and saw a sign on top of the room.
She was extremely embarresed now.

"Oh.." escaped from her mouth.

The boy chuckled and asked her.

"So.. do you want to join the club? You seem to fit in anyway.." He asked.

She was lightening up and gave her final thoughts.

"I'll think about it.. But surely i would join it anytime!" She said.

Just then the school bell rang, reminding the students that class starts soon.

Ayano gave a simple wave but was held on the wrist.

"Please tell me you're name.." The boy was determined to get answers.

"Ayano. Ayano Aishi." She replied.

"How about you?" she asked.

"oh.. well I'm Kizano. Kizano Sunobu." He replied.

"Oh cool! Well, I'm going now. Bye." She waved him a simple goodbye again and ran through the halls and disappeared from Kizano's sight.

Kizano turned to leave the hallway and muttered to himself.

"Ayano Aishi.."

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