Chapter 6

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"I'm sorry Ayano.." Osano kept apologizing, time by time.

"You know what? Forget about our friendship. Lets go back to being zero."

"What do you mean by that?" He demanded.

"You're just a stranger in my life." Her face stoned.

Osano's heart froze.

"U-Um hey.. what?" He stammered.

Ayano just walked passed his frozen form.

"Never again should we talk." She mumbled.

She actually felt free and dark at the same time.

She was actually zoning out after that.

Later on, she bumped into someone's chest. She stumbled back in surprise.

"Oh man. I'm sorry, Ayano." He apologized.

How did he knew her name? She thought.

"No no. I should be the one who's apologizing!" She stammered.

The guy rubbed the back of his neck, slightly embarrased.

"Welp. I'm Aso. Aso Rito." He chirped.

"Nice to meet you Aso. I'm Ayano Aishi." She introduced.

"Haha no need to introduce. I know you long enough." He chuckled.

Ayano was confused.

"How? I haven't met you before.." She raised an eyebrow.

"Don't you remember? You won first place in track and field last year." He motioned and pointed his own head.

'Oh yeah." She thought.

"You are really unique to be honest." He changed the subject.

Ayano blushed.

"Heh.. i'll take that as a compliment?" She pointed her index finger to her self.

They laughed the whole time.

They talked about lots of weird yet interesting things as they stroll down the hallways.

"Say.. Want to come by my house this weekend?" She suggested.

"Yeah, why not?" He answered.

Mostly, any guy would be doing a victory dance if a girl invited them to their house. Aso Rito was different. He is a kind and respectful guy and Ayano liked that side of him.

She laughed.

"Welp. I'm off to class now. Bye Aso." She waved.

"Me too. Bye." He waved back.

They went to their separate ways and walked off to class.

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