chapter 5 - Kai

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“Waste not, want not.” Dad grunts to me as if it was nothing important. But it was. It reminded me of the time when Dad had left me, after tea, and almost never come back. I shiver. He’d reminded me that he was the mentor, not my Dad, from now on. I sigh, partly with weariness and partly because I was longing for home. I pretend to ignore Dad and stalk out of the room. I march down the train through carriage after carriage, each grander than the next. I feel myself getting sicker and sicker as the realisation of the luxury of the citizens of the Capitol compared to those of us in the districts. Especially 12. I’ve seen their faces in the reapings, their hollow, hungry eyes, full of despair. Their poor, worn hands, their sunken in cheeks. I suppose with Dad being a victor, we would get more food but no, only money. Which is pointless as we have no shops. Because the old shops have all closed down because they had no customers and had to go fishing and live a life which earned them money, rather than sitting out in the rain. All of this fills my mind as I wander down the train. I hear a distant voice but pay it no heed. A smart tap on the shoulder soon sorts that out. I jump and glance up, my arms already in a karate position (which I’d seen some of the boys showing off)

“Now, missy, I didn’t mean to alarm you but you’re not allowed down here. Out of bounds, you know?” a tall, hunky man peers down at me. I stare back at him defiantly. I glare at him before stalking off. I pause, halfway to the door.

“Where’s my room then? Or do I have to sleep on the floor, like everyone back in 4?” I say snootily. The strange man gives a hearty laugh which sounds more like a growl. I try to pierce him with my worst scowl but he laughs again. I am about to march off again but he calls me back.

“Sorry, sorry but you are just so, well, small! Are you sure they haven’t got the wrong person? You are Ashley Odair, district four’s female tribute. I nod.

“Good. Now your room is right at the very opposite end of the train. So quite a way then! You’ll be travelling against the train so it will take longer as well! Good luck, and hope you get back before morning!” the tall man says. I glower at him.

“Idiot! You can travel either way along the train and it will take you the same length of time. Haven’t you read ‘Motion verses Speed?’ It says that ‘3.14152465M-(3.16+56M)/28=S’” I quote proudly. “It also says-“ I begin.

“That’s enough, missy, I don’t need a science lesson! Now be gone, I have work to do” and with that, he turns and walks away. I pull the rudest face I can think of before turning on my heel.

“That’s my face, I copyrighted it!” Kai protests. I jump back, ready for him to leap out of the shadows. When nothing happens, I lower my arms and look around me. Kai stands boldly in front of me, making no attempt to conceal himself. I smile, embarrassed. He returns my smile.

“So, you’ve been exploring the length of the train hmm?” Kai asks.

“I was looking for my room.” I say stoutly, unsure what he meant.

“Guess you went the wrong way huh?” Kai replies.

“I guess. But what about you? What happened after I left?” I quiz him.

“Nothing much. Finnick left too and then Felon got all flustered that we were ill and that the Games were going to be cancelled cause there wouldn’t be a female tribute for district 4.” Kai grins.

“They wouldn’t really cancel the whole games if I died before the Games started! Would they?” I ask, a plan forming in my mind. The best plan yet! That could save 22 lives! I look at Kai, expecting his answer.

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