Chapter 14 - the tattoo

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A few minutes later, Kai totters in.

“Ash, are you okay?” he gurgles

“I’ll live. Pretty impressive dive you did back then.” I grin, despite myself.

“Yeah, I’ve seen it in the Games loads before, but I never realised how hard it was to get the timings right.” Kai replies sheepishly. “But it looks as though you did a pretty good job with Oak. She’s a horrid cow.” Kai says.

“Ha! I wouldn’t tell her that, you’d end up unconscious again.” I advise.

“Who says I was unconscious?” Kai grins defiantly.

“You were unconscious.” I state.

“I was unconscious.” Kai agrees.

“Urgh! My head is going to explode.” I moan.

“Felon sent me to bring you to the medical department.” Kai explains, and sweeps me up in his arms. Just as he turns to the door, whilst holding me, I throw up. Kai drops me in surprise.

I hit the polished floor with a thud. Felon rushes in. He sees me on the floor, groaning, and Kai standing there with sick on his shirt and kneels down beside me.

“Oh Ash! Come on, I’ll take you down to the medical department. Kai, you’d better get changed for supper.” Felon instructs, and calls the nearest Avox. A brown haired boy toddles over and sweeps me off the floor. I close my eyes and pass out.

I wake up to find myself lying in my room with Finnick and Mother peering over me. I sit up.

“What happened?” I slur.

“You passed out dear. It’s all going to be OK. Oh, Ash I’m so proud of you!” Mother smiles. I reach up to my face and feel my cheek and lip, which had been bleeding.

“They’ve fixed you up, good and proper. Though there is still a scar on your cheek.” Finnick explains.

“But they can get it surgically removed very easily. Which will be what you want, though Finnick made me wait.” Mother assures me.

“I like it.” I state.

“Of course you do my dear. Now let’s get you off to surgery, where it can be removed.” Mother smiles again.

“I want to keep it. It’ll make me look tough in the arena,” I demand, turning to Finnick to check I have the right strategy idea. He nods and gives me an encouraging smile. Mother turns to me.

“Ash. You are getting that ugly scar removed.” Mother states sternly.

“Fine, if I get a tattoo.” I compromise. Finnick and Mother turn to me in shock.

“A… tattoo?” Mother asks.

“A tattoo,” I confirm.

“Of what?” Finnick butts in.

“A trident.” I answer.

“Whereabouts?” Mother questions.

“On the palm of my hand, between my thumb and first finger.” I fire back. Mother begins to nod in approval but Finnick stops her.

“Ash, are you sure about this? Even the Capitol can’t erase tattoos. It would be there for the rest of your life. And it hurts.” Finnick warns.

“It doesn’t hurt anymore, they put you under seductive. Blake said so," I correct defiantly. Reluctantly, Finnick nods.

Ashley Odair (73rd Hunger Games)Where stories live. Discover now