Chapter 12 - Chariots

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"Mother, why are you so happy that I’m going to die?” I say.

“Why Ash, don’t think like that! Of course you’re going to win! You’re just being modest, aren’t you my sweet!” Mother cooes.

“Aurelia, Silia, Arjuna, could you leave us a moment. You’ve done a splendid job by the way!” she acknowledges. The trio leave.

“Now, we’d better get you’re costume sorted or we’ll be late!” Mother giggles. Was she always like this? No wonder I couldn’t stand the thought of living with her! NO! That wasn’t true. I just wanted to explore, find someone who understood my way of thinking, that was all. But a little voice in the back of my head says ‘and Finnick understands your way of thinking does he?’ and its right. I block the thoughts from my mind. What happened - happened. Mother returns to my side, holding up long flowing blue dress, with miniscule silver fish sewn on beautifully, so that they quivered when they caught wisp of wind.

“That must have taken hours to make!” I cry out, forgetting that such thoughts could be considered as rebellious.

“Yes, I had it made especially for you. To be worn by you and you only!” Mother says happily, completely missing the point, as usual.

“Yeah, right.” I smile unconvincingly.

“Now, when you come out into the view of the crowds, press this button on your left shoulder. I think you’ll find the effects absolutely splendid!” she giggles again. Mother helps me slip it on carefully. The icy cold silk rises goose bumps on my bare arms.

“And you’ll need these,” Mother says, holding out a pair of matching silk gloves, that stretch to my elbows. Obediently, I put them on. At my feet stand a pair of blue high heeled shoes. My height increases by a few inches. I wriggle my toes around uncomfortably. Thank goodness we weren’t going to be walking anywhere. After two years, my feet were no longer used to high heels.

“Much better. You know, Blake would be proud of you.” Mother sighs wistfully.

“Huh? But I thought he was like a celebrity now?” I say uncertainly.

“Don’t say ‘huh’ it’s unladylike. But yes, Blake is a celebrity now, but he still misses you so. Every month he comes, hoping for news of you. He’s so sweet to me, so sympathetic.” Mother says. “I’ll see if he can meet you…” I am about to reply but Felon comes in.

“Ash you look wonderful! But come on, the crowds are waiting!” Felon smiles. I follow him, like a sheep. Mother stays where she is, looking after me with a last longing glance, before turning her back.

Soon enough, we arrive in a huge hall, full of people, who I suppose are tributes. Felon makes to follow me, but I stop him. If no one else had their escort, I wasn’t going to have mine. I stride confidently over to Kai.

“You look good. Better than me anyway. A fisherman?? Seriously? My stylist is pathetic. Looks like you got lucky this year though. With a good stylist, I mean.”

“Yeah, she’s my mother, so I wouldn’t be surprised.” I explain.

“If my mother dressed me, I’d be in my swimming trunks!” Kai laugh

”That’s what our tributes wore last year!” I reply. Kai laughs again, before turning to the tributes in district 1. I stand awkwardly next to him, while they introduce themselves as Leonidas, and Emerald. As Emerald burbles away about her dress, Leonidas gives me an icy stare.

“Hey, whatsyourname, go join your own loser gang.” He orders. Kai turns round.

“What you talking about? She’s one of the Careers.” Kai says.

“As if! No, she’s got to go. A midget like her would never survive the first day.” Emerald gloats.

“Yeah, she’ll be such a liability. And what’s she good for? Nothing. Zilch. Caboosh. Zero. Nought.” Leonidas sneers. Kai opens his mouth to argue, but I cut him short.

“I’m just leaving. I wouldn’t want to be in your stupid Career pack anyway. You would just pig out on all the food.” I grin back and saunter off. I hope Kai won’t be too annoyed at me later. I do care about not being in the Career pack. Sure, I knew really that I wouldn’t be accepted, but I thought… oh I don’t know. I just feel… rejected.

I look around the room and catch the eye of a girl dressed in a dress of vines. I wander over to her.

“Hey,” I begin. She looks up from the horse she was stroking.

“I’m Ash, Finnick’s daughter” I introduce myself and hold out my hand.

“Iris” she nods.

“Cool dress,” I say, motioning towards the dress she is wearing.

“Yeah. It’s supposed to be organic and symbolise nature and all that, but it is made of some kind of plastic material. Seriously?” Iris explains.

“Kinda defies the whole point then I guess. My mother made mine. Must have took ages for someone from 8 to make, and it’s only going to be worn once!” I agree. “Still, that’s what happens in the Capitol. Even food isn’t valued like in the districts. They have these drinks that make you puke, so you can stuff yourself with more,” I say.

“You seem to know a lot about the Capitol.” Iris points out.

“I should do, I’ve lived there for 11 years.” I grin.

“Haha, as if!” Iris dismisses.

“I have!” I say desperately but she just waves me away. I look around again and see the first chariot disappearing out into the ‘stadium.’ I run to our chariot, knowing it won’t be long before our chariot starts moving. I almost trip over my stupid high heels, but a small girl catches me by the arm. I turn to her, a thanks on my lips.

“I’m Wren. Good luck,” she says, before disappearing off into the crowd. I don’t have time to go after her and thank her properly, so I turn to my chariot and climb in next to Kai

“Y’ok?” he asks casually.

“Yeah. Sorry about earlier, but if I was in the Career pack, I would just mess up and get myself killed on the first day. And I’d be holding you back.” I explain. Kai begins to protest but I shut him up. We enter the stadium. I see Mother in the front of the stands, motioning frantically towards her left shoulder. I give her a puzzled look, before remembering the little button I was supposed to press. I press it. A cool trickle of water washes down my dress as my silver fishes twinkle in the spotlights. I look amazing. Even Kai turns to stare at me in awe. Feeling very self-conscious, I notice that tributes in front and behind e stare in part jealousy and part longing. All except for the district 7 tribute, who glares at me. I look away, ashamed.

My hands lie useless by my side, twisting uncertainly. I search the crowd for Finnick, wanting his reassurance. I find him smiling with pride at me. As if encouraged by his pride, I reach for Kai’s hand, find it and hold it high above our heads.

Kai turns to me in disgust.

“What on Panem are you doing?” he snarls and yanks his hand from my grasp. My hand returns to its place, hanging limply by my side.

Ashley Odair (73rd Hunger Games)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن