chapter 10 - reaping replay

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Just then, the reapings begin. I try to make a mental note of each tribute but there are too many. I remember a green eyed girl, Maxine Soft, from 3 who reassures her wailing mother.  I remember Iris, a blue eyed, blonde haired girl from 11 who seemed to expect to be drawn. Skryne, also from 11, because he presented 11 as a team, which look up to. I also notice the 4 careers, Leonidas, (who I hate. He actually cheered when he got picked and no one volunteered) and Jodi from 1 (her eyes seemed to bear straight into mine). Josh and Emerald from 2. No doubt Skryne will be joining the Career pack as well. That would make 6, if Kai joined. Which, undoubtedly, he will.

“What an interesting year this will be! I can’t wait to see the arena! Desert, perhaps. We haven’t had that in a while. Or maybe mountains…” Felon ponders. I feel sick. I stand up and am about to leave when I catch a glimpse out the window. Immediately, I rush to the window and press my face to the window.

“Kai! We’re here!” I cry excitedly, forgetting our argument. Kai rushes to my side and I hear him gasp. Desperately, I scan over the magnificent buildings, searching for Mother’s mansion. It is not there. In its place, is a tall tower, bearing the Hunger Games logo. I gasp. Kai glances towards me.

“I’m sorry. If I was, y’know, Capitolised, I wouldn’t leave, not like you did. I was just, y’know…” Kai mumbles.

“Surprised? Shocked? Flabbergasted?” I supply. Kai nods, laughing. Suddenly, the train draws into a tall, glamorous building, crammed with Capitol people.

“The train station!! I remember this place. Dad,” I exclaim, turning to Finnick, “This is where we left the Capitol, wasn’t it?” I ask. Finnick nods, but puts his finger on his lips. I don’t mention it again. I turn back to the crowd. With practised eyes, I ignore the weird and bizarre people. Instead, I search the onlookers, desperately for Mother. She is not there. I do, however, catch sight of Jolinakin, Mother’s friend, along with other old acquaintances. Happily, I wave at them, frantically. Everyone cheers, and waves back, as though they know me. Some of them may well do, though I doubt they would recognise me. Giving up on catching Jolinakin’s eye, I switch on 'happy at all times' mode and wave back, throwing kisses in all directions. I notice Kai staring at me.

“What? Come on, they love it. Pretend they are little babies, needing your comfort. It works for me.” I advise. Kai raises his eyebrows, but does what I say. I realise for the first time, how nice he has been to me. If I was in his shoes, I would hate Ash. A stuck up brat from the Capitol, easily insulted, stroppy, tells lies about people. I wasn’t really like that. Was I??

“Kai. I’m sorry about, um, the whole thing with, er, Felon.” I stutter.

“Yeah. Bit embarrassing, but a good idea!” Kai says, distracted by the waving crowds. He wouldn’t have said that earlier.

 Tired of thinking, I let the crowd swallow me, pressing my face against the cool glass of the window. Eventually, the train draws to a stop. I spin around, ready to leave the train, to find Felon behind me. I jump. Felon doesn’t notice.

“Come on, stick close. We don’t want you getting lost!” Felon instructs. We huddle next to him as he marches proudly out of the train and disappears into the crowd. I stop. I was overwhelmed. So many Capitol people, all in one place. And so tall, compared to me. There wasn’t usually so many Capitol citizens all in one place. If lots of people wanted to go have their hair cut, they would go to different hairdressers. There was no reason for there to be so many people at one place. Sure, parties needed people, but only friends, not strangers. It wasn’t right! I felt myself being lifted by the crowd, being carried away from Kai and Felon. I open my mouth to scream, but there is no air to breathe. I am enveloped by a big fur coat. It smells of Mother’s perfume. I peer upwards, hoping to see her smooth white face, with piercing purple eyes. But no, it’s the face of a wolf. I nearly scream when I realise that it is just a tattoo. I would probably look like that, if I hadn’t met Finnick. Suddenly, I feel the crowd moving back, giving me a pathway forward. I look down the walkway and see Kai and Felon further ahead. Relieved, I scurry after them, blowing kisses to the crowd as I go.

What seems like hours later, we reach the tall building, with the Hunger Games logo on, that I had seen earlier. Felon leads us up to the fourth floor, presumably for our district, in the lift.

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