chapter 7 - the shower

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“Hey Ash.” The voice says. I force my eyes open.

“Kai.” I say, surprised. Kai is sat on the end of my bed.

“You ok? I heard you screaming.”“Oh, yeah, it was nothing. Just little kid nightmares, you know…” I say.

“No Ash. It’s not just little-kid nightmares.” Kai replies.

“What do you mean?” I stop fiddling with the corner of my duvet and look at him.

“It’s our life. I’ve heard the victors. At night, they scream for imaginary people, dead people. Yelling for them to run, to get out. It’s awful. And that’s what’s going to happen to us, from now on.” Kai explains.

“But we haven’t even got to the Capitol.” I protest.

“Yeah, but the whole reaping was a big deal. And your escape. And your dad being mentor. And me being your ‘fellow tribute’” Kai repeats what I said earlier.

“Yeah… You are alright though… I guess.” I start awkwardly.

“Yeah, same with you. But one of us is going to die anyway, so no point in making friends.” Kai points out. I shrug.

“There are loads of kids in the arena and we probably won’t kill each other so its fine. And besides, I want to be friends with you.” I cover my mouth. Did I really just say that. I stare back at the duvet again, my face red. However, Kai’s reaction surprises even me.

“Really? Thanks.” He says.

“I meant, um, it’ll be nice to have someone who’s got the same anxiety’s as me and all that,” I amend myself.

“Right. Well, it’s getting late. Good night.” Kai says curtly and makes to leave.

“Wait!” I cry after him and scramble out of bed. Too late, I realise that I have no clothes on. Going bright red again, I dive for the bed. Unfortunately,  I’ve never had very good aim and find myself hitting the floor. I groan and drag my naked, bruised body onto the safety of the bed and under the soft warm duvet.

“You ok? Next time, put some pyjamas on before you go to bed.” I nod.

“Thanks for coming to, you know, see if I was ok. It helped, honest. And, er, I’ll look harder for the pyjamas next time.” I say, trying to make up for my stupid comments. For some reason, I want him to stay. Probably because if he left, it would mean returning to the nightmares. But secretly, I know that is not the reason. I’ll think about that in the morning.

“No problem. Sweet dreams, little Ash.” Kai replies softly and I hear the door click after him. My previous longing for him evaporates. LITTLE! He called me little! The cheek! I may seem little but I am 13 years old and have already managed to outwit my guard Charlie. He’ll see how little I am when I win! I stop. Where did that thought come from?? I am never going to win. No chance. No matter what Kai says. I sigh and lie down, and return to the long tiring darkness. Eventually, Felon knocks softly on my door.

“Come in.” I mumble through my sheets. Felon bursts in.

“Ashley, dear! Come have some breakfast. We’ve a big, big day.” He squeaks I his ridiculously high voice. I make a great show of crawling out from the covers and emerging into the bright light.  I wish Kai had come instead of Felon. Then I remember how he called me ‘little’ and hate him all over again. It shouldn’t really have been a big deal but it was. Everyone called me small. I thought Kai was different. But clearly not. Then again, he didn’t mean it as an insult… these kind of thoughts were supposed to be the after-breakfast kind of thoughts. My brain just couldn’t cope.

Before I can be interrupted by yet another visitor, I stride into the shower and hit a few random buttons that take my fancy. Before I realise it, I am standing in a stream of steadily flowing ice cold water. I sigh. Closing my eyes, I imagined myself back home, swimming in the salty, cold ocean. What seems like far too soon, the flow of water ceases and I find myself shivering. Forgetting all ideas of pretence, I open my eyes. Too late, I realise that one of my random buttons meant that a bottle full of foamy green liquid was programmed to squirt down on me at just that second. After my groggy morning, my body is too slow to react and the foam falls bang splat in my eyes.

“OW!! Argh! It hurts!” I curse. It always had to happen to me. Stupid shower! I kick the wall for good measure. The shower doesn’t retaliate. And my foot hurts. A lot. I remind myself not to kick the shower again. Groaning, I fumble for the door of the shower, wanting to find some cool water to wash my eyes with. The floor is still coated in the greasy, slimy foam and I find myself tumbling to the ground.

“Ow! Stupid SHOWER!” I yell, frustrated. I feel my head and find a large lump. Just then, Felon rushes in and kneels beside me.

“Oh, my dear little Ash! Come here.” Felon says sweetly and he cradles my head on his lap. I close my eyes and imagine that it is Dad instead of Felon.

“Oh, dear Ash. I should never have left you! Brave, strong Kai can look after himself but you need to be careful little one! Don’t worry, I’ll look after you.” Felon reassures me. I sit bolt upright. As if he was going to look after me! How would he do that hmm? Rebel against the Capitol? Demand the Games be cancelled? Go into the arena with me? I’d like to see that happen! Instead, I say, “I CAN look after myself! I may look small but I can cope by myself. And stop calling me ‘dear.’” I reply. Then, I have an amazing idea.

“Felon,” I begin sweetly. He turns to me. “I heard that dear Kai was having trouble with his scary ickle nightmares. Why don’t you go see if he’s ok?

  Before I can be interrupted by yet another visitor, I stride into the shower and hit a few random buttons that take my fancy. Before I realise it, I am standing in a stream of steadily flowing ice cold water. I sigh. Closing my eyes, I imagined myself back home, swimming in the salty, cold ocean. What seems like far too soon, the flow of water ceases and I find myself shivering. Forgetting all ideas of pretence, I open my eyes. Too late, I realise that one of my random buttons meant that a bottle full of foamy green liquid was programmed to squirt down on me at just that second. After my groggy morning, my body is too slow to react and the foam falls bang splat in my eyes.

“OW!! Argh! It hurts!” I curse. It always had to happen to me. Stupid shower! I kick the wall for good measure. The shower doesn’t retaliate. And my foot hurts. A lot. I remind myself not to kick the shower again. Groaning, I fumble for the door of the shower, wanting to find some cool water to wash my eyes with. The floor is still coated in the greasy, slimy foam and I find myself tumbling to the ground.

“Ow! Stupid SHOWER!” I yell, frustrated. I feel my head and find a large lump. Just then, Felon rushes in and kneels beside me.

“Oh, my dear little Ash! Come here.” Felon says sweetly and he cradles my head on his lap. I close my eyes and imagine that it is Dad instead of Felon.

“Oh, dear Ash. I should never have left you! Brave, strong Kai can look after himself but you need to be careful little one! Don’t worry, I’ll look after you.” Felon reassures me. I sit bolt upright. As if he was going to look after me! How would he do that hmm? Rebel against the Capitol? Demand the Games be cancelled? Go into the arena with me? I’d like to see that happen! 

Instead, I just say, “Stop calling me ‘Dear’ and ‘little.’ Please! I’m not a baby!”

“Oh, dear Ash. Brave Ash. I’m afraid I have upset you. Try and cheer up for breakfast. I’ve ordered hot chocolát and croissants especially!” Felon squeaks. How petty he is! I think to myself. Just then, I had the best idea ever. Payback time.

Ashley Odair (73rd Hunger Games)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang