chapter 15 - Kai

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I get out of bed, checking that I have clothes on this time and stare at them expectantly.

“Now?” Mother asks disbelievingly.

“Yeah, now.” I say. Finnick shrugs and sets off towards the far side of the white-walled medical department. Mother and I follow him.

“Manners, young lady!” Mother amends.

“Huh?” I ask.

“That is precisely what I am talking about! The little girl I knew would never, ever say disgraceful words, like ‘huh’ and ‘yeah.’ Goodness knows what he’s done to you!” Mother corrects scornfully.

“He has shown me how to live life to its full, and not waste time skipping around in stupid little dresses when you could be out playing in the waves, or learning new things, or even when you could be reading! In 4, you haven’t got the time to waste your breath on petty little greetings, you get on with the job. You may not like it, but it is far more practical. So you shut up and don’t ever tell me to watch my stupid manners, cos no one cares!!” I yell as a sudden wave of fury washes over me. Why was she so pathetic? By now, Finnick has turned around and is staring at me, aghast. I march ahead of them both, still heading for the tattoo department. I hear one pair of footsteps hurrying after me. I desperately wish it isn’t Mother.

It isn’t.

“You shouldn’t have said that to your Mother” Finnick admonishes.

“Why not. It’s true. She’s blind Finnick, she’s blind. She is pleased that I’m going to die and yet she wants me to stay her ‘little girl’ at the same time as winning the Games. Which is not going to happen.” I explain angrily.

“I know, but she’s from the Capitol. Before you came to 4, did you understand what was going on and how awful the Games are? That’s what it is like for your mother.” He reasons. I understand what he is saying but I refuse to accept it. I needed a scapegoat, and I had picked Mother. I wasn’t going to forgive her so soon.

“Can I have my tattoo now?” I ask innocently.

“As your parent, I should say no, as a punishment for the abominable behaviour that you have just shown to your mother…” Finnick begins.

“But Finnick…” I protest.

“BUT” Finnick continues, “because I am an awful parent and you are going into the Games very soon…” I turn to him and grin.

“Thanks Finnick!” I say and sit down at the tattoo stall. Finnick makes to protest but he just sighs and calls over the tattoo guy, called Jason.

“Hey, so you are?” Jason asks as he sits down on the chair beside me and begins lowering the chair I’m on into a reclining position.

“Ash, from 4.” I explain.

“Nice to meet you Ash. Now, what tattoo would you like, and whereabouts? Jason enquires.

“On my palm, between my thumb and first finger. And a trident.” I answer confidently. Jason nods as Finnick walks away.

“Now just lie back, close your eyes and relax.” Jason instructs. I do so.

After a few minutes, I feel several sharp points entering my body. I sit bolt upright, my eyes flying open. Jason jumps back in surprise. I gasp in air.

“Oh dear, are you all right? Jason fusses.

“I’m fine,” I assure him, still gasping for air. “I just hate needles, that’s all.” I grimace.

“You should have told me!” Jason sighs.

“I didn’t know tattoos entailed getting stabbed by a needle!” I protest.

“Well, anyway, unless you want to go through all that again, that will have to do. It’s a bit short, but it can’t be helped!” Jason states.

“It’s fine. Thank you.” I say and walk off, my hand still throbbing. A jet blank trident is inked into my hand. He was right, it was shorter than I’d hoped but I was pleased with it. Tridents were my weapon. I get the lift back to my apartment. Kai is standing right in front of the lift when the doors open.

“Hey Ka-“ I begin

“Ash, I am so sorry for dropping you, it just took me by surprise and I…” Kai apologises.

“It’s fine. I threw up on you. It’s kind of expected to be surprised.” I calm him.

“Dinner time!” Felon sings from the dining room.

“I’ll just get changed.” I reply, looking down at my white hospital dress. I go to my room and open up the wardrobe. Heaps of neatly arranged outfits stare at me dully. I pick the first one out. Then, realising that it is some weird pink thing, I put it back and pick out a black top and blue jeans. I change and return to the dining room. Kai, Finnick, Felon, Mother and Kai’s stylist all sat around the long table that is decked high with steaming delicacies. I quickly sit down in the only spare seat left, next to Mother.

“Are you ok Ash? After that nasty little fight with that nasty little girl?” Felon enquires anxiously.

“I’m fine. Honestly. It wasn’t that bad. I’ve had worse back in 4.” I admit, thinking back to the time that Kai’s cronies beat me up after I punched him. Finnick decides to get things moving and begins helping himself to the food. We all follow suit. The others soon engage in conversation, but I remain silent, mulling over the day’s events. It had been a long day.

“Did you actually mean what you said?” Mother asks me weakly.

“Huh? No, no, I was just all worked up with apprehension about the Games.” I lie smoothly. But it was only a small lie.

“Oh, well that’s OK dear. You needn’t worry about it. You’ll be fine.” Mother smiles.

“Um,” I nod unconvincingly.

“So let’s see you tattoo. Did it work?” Mother demands.

“Yeah, it worked” I say, holding out my hand to show her.

“Beautiful, just like you! But what did you mean back then, you’ve seen worse?”

" well it was when I first joined school, when I was 11 years old and I just arrived at 4. Kai and his mates saw me all on my own and decided to pick on me. you know, like bullies do. Saying stuff like 'what's it like to have a coward for a dad and how's it like to not have a mum because no one knew I was from the Capitol, that would have just made it worse. It was Kai who was speaking, so I punched him. He stumbled back, he wasn't expecting it. Meanwhile, his mates turned on me, beating me up and all that. The head teacher came up, saying that they were all on detention for beating up at innocent girl. They said I'd punched Kai but of course he didn't believe them. Finnick wasn't at all happy about it, but no one bothered me again." I finish. Looking around, I see that everyone is staring at me, except Kai who is looking sheepishly at the floor.

"Did that really happen??" Felon turned to Kai for clarification. Kai nods. We sit in silence for a while, while I avoid Kai's eye.

"I am going to bed." I announce suddenly and leave. Once in the privacy of my room, I search through the wardrobe and eventually find a pair of pyjamas at the very back. I slip them on and climb into bed. I don't feel tired but I go to sleep fairly fast.

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2014 ⏰

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