Chapter Three

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"What do you mean Michael issued you a message from the Hunters?" Zach asks sounding upset. "Are you okay?"

"I mean he come to the park and said that he was sent to issue a warning to me and my Guardians from the hunters. That they wanted a truce but that I had to renounce my crown," I tell Zach and Ian.

"What is this nonsense about you renouncing your crown? That's not going to happen," Ian says angrily.

"I don't know what they mean and I just want to go to my room, check on Theo and put my flowers in a vase," I say starting to worry about Theo being alone all day in my room.

"Okay, well Josh I want you to stay with her and make sure she is right for the night and make sure she gets to her hair and make-up appointment tomorrow," Ian tells Josh in a demanding voice.

"Hey, I'm standing right here can you not talk about me like I'm not," I say to Ian with a note of annoyance in my voice.

"I'm sorry, I just want to make sure that you are taken care of," Ian says with a voice full of sympathy and concern.

"I think it's best if you head to your room and put those flowers in a vase, Kayla," Zach tells me with a pointed look at my flowers.

"Okay, I'm going," I say.

"We'll see you for dinner and we have to discuss some things for your party tomorrow," Ian informs me just as I'm about to leave.

"I will see you then," I say with a nod before turning around and start heading out of the main Council chambers.

Once I'm out of the Council chambers I race to the stairs that lead to my bedroom and start climbing the stairs three at a time. When I finally reach my floor I quickly race along to room and throw the door open and go in search of Theo. I find him curled up on my bed asleep. I quickly move past him to the bathroom where I find a vase under the sink and quickly fill it up with water. I take it to the lounge room with the flowers and arrange them in the vase on top of the TV cabinet. Once they are all arranged I decide to watch a movie and move towards the large DVD collection and have a look for one I like. After about three minutes of looking I finally decide on watching The Hunger Games and set it up and settle in on the lounge to watch it.

I check the time after the movie is finished and realise that I am going to be late for dinner. I race to the door and yank it open just in time to see Josh on the other side of the door with his hand raised ready to knock.

"Hey," I say surprised to see him.

"Come on," he says grabbing my hand and pull me out of the door.

I just manage to shut the door behind me as he races off with me struggling to keep up with him. "Wow, slow down a bit please," I say as he leaps down the stairs four at a time.

"Your late for dinner," he says slowing down enough for me to catch up with him.

"I know I was heading down when you found me," I tell him.

"It's you're birthday dinner. Ian wanted to have it tonight because the party is tomorrow night," he says leading me toward the dining hall.

I follow him glad that I had on a high necked full length cotton shift lemon dress and cream ballet flats.

"Oh and it's supposed to be a surprise so act surprised," he says before opening the dining hall doors.

I walk in to the dining hall and everyone yells "surprise" and I am engulfed in hugs and lead to my seat at the head of the table.

"I can't sit there," I say and look at Ian who has sat in the seat to the right of the table head.

"It's custom that the Prince or Princess celebrating their birthday occupies the seat at the head of the table," he tells me as he gestures for me to sit down.

"But it isn't my birthday until tomorrow," I say still slightly weary about sitting at the head of the table.

"It's fine since it's a birthday dinner. Now sit down and stop worrying," Ian says, as a waiter comes up behind me and helps me pull my chair in.

Once everyone is seated the waiters serve up a nice mix of phyllo cups with ricotta chevre and roasted oysters with pancetta and breadcrumbs as the appetizer. Once everyone is served we start eating with a little small talk amongst everyone. Once everyone is finished the plates are cleared and the main of Thai chicken risotto is served and everyone eats in complete silence.

"Okay so we have to discuss some things for tomorrow night," Ian says as the plates from the main are being cleared.

"Okay, go," I say politely.

"Well firstly the theme of the party is masquerade," Ian tells me with a sweet smile on his face. "But for people to gain entry they must show an invitation. Secondly you will be calling me, Zach and Joseph Uncle and Maria Aunt. However everyone will be calling you Princess however no one knows the truth behind the title. We decided on calling you by your title because it's your birthday and you deserve for everyone to treat you like a Princess on your birthday."

"I can handle that," I tell him. "Is there anything else?"

"I've had a dress made for the party and a mask made to match it, they'll be delivered to your room tomorrow." Ian tells me as dessert is served. "I have also set up a day of pampering for you to get ready for the party. There will also be a couple of surprises at the party for you. Oh and Josh will be your escort for the party so he has a matching suit and the menu has been decided also."

"Okay," I say as a plate with a piece of triple chocolate cheesecake is put in front of me.

I start eating in silence and think about what my party will be like tomorrow night. Once everyone has finished eating and the plates are cleared I talk with people for a little while before excusing myself to go to bed.

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