Chapter Eleven

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When the movie is finished we head towards the laser tag facility in the recreation building. We see Claire and Justin outside the laser tag shop waiting for Josh and me to show up. Once we are all together we head inside to the counter.

"Hello, my name is Doug. How may I help you today?" the young gentleman behind the counter.

"We having a booking for a game of laser tag," Josh says stepping up to the counter.

"Hello Josh," Doug says politely. He quickly looks over our little group and spots me. "Princess Kayla," he says with a bow. "If you'll follow me."

He comes out from behind the counter and leads us through a door. The room is set up for a laser tag game. There are blow up obstacles placed strategically around the room, a short fence lining the middle of the field and netting around the outside of the field. Doug takes us over to the area that is set up for laser tag and helps us get our vests on. We divide up into teams of two. Josh and I go against Claire and Justin.

Josh and I take the side furthest from the entrance and we station ourselves behind some of the blow up props. When the horn blows I quickly look over the prop and see Justin in my line of sight. I take aim and shoot him with the laser gun knocking him out of the game. It takes Josh and me about five minutes before either of us can get a proper shot on Claire. I finally get a hit on her when she tries to move to another prop and Josh and I win the round. We play a couple more rounds switch the teams around so we all get a go at play on each other's team. By the time we are finished I am feeling more relaxed then I have seen I've been at the royal Council.

As I head out of the laser tag shop I see Isabella racing towards us from the palace, as she gets closer I see that she has tears running down her face. I look at Josh and he gives me a slight shake of his head to say he didn't know.

"Isabella, what's wrong?" I ask when she reaches us.

"The King has been attacked," Isabella says quickly.

"What?" Claire says in shock. "How?"

"We don't know how but the palace is going into locked down and we need you and Josh in there now," Isabella tells us as she heads back to palace, indicating we should follow her.

We run to catch up to her and follow her quietly for a few moments before I finally have to ask a question. "How bad was the attack on Ian?"

"Bad enough that he needs you to heal him," Isabella says matter of factly. "We should hurry."

We break out in a run, Claire and Justin are consistently looking around checking to make sure that there are no threats. We make inside a minute later and the palace guardians at the door slam the door shut and set to locking a complicated series of bolts. Claire and Justin help them while Isabella leads us to a flight of stairs.

"Shouldn't we wait for Claire and Justin?" I ask, jogging to keep up.

"We have to get to King Ian," Isabella says leading Josh and I down a series of halls.

After several minutes we finally come to a stop at a set of double doors. Isabella knocks twice fast and then twice slowly. After a couple of seconds one of the doors is opened and we are ushered inside by more palace guardians. I look around and see that the room that I walked into is a living room with a large TV and a large collection of movies and TV series on DVD next to the TV, it also has several open doors leading to bedrooms and a kitchen and dining room area. I also notice that there is a set of closed doors. It is then that I notice Prince Zach, lady Amara and the rest of the royals. I look around and see that Ian is missing from among the royals.

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