Chapter Six

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"Kayla, you look... wow," he says in a husky voice.

"Thank you," I say and have a look at what he is wearing. "You look great too."

I look at the suit he is wearing and see that it is a custom form fitting, steel grey suit with a gold tie with a small pale pink calla lily in the lapel hole.

"Kayla, we have something for you," Ian says pulling a box out from behind his back and passing it to me.

I open the box and see that it is a gold tiara with amethysts and cream mother of pearls throughout the pattern of the tiara, Ian reaches out and carefully places it on my head and Charlotte and Olivia secure it into my hair so that it won't fall out, Josh then helps me put on the bracelet he got for me and helps put the earrings that Zach gave me on as well.

"You look like a million dollars," Ian says and checks his watch. "We better get going because we have to be in the ballroom before the party starts and Kayla and Josh have to get ready for their big entrance."

Ian swiftly leads us towards the Council's event building and gives me a few last minute instructions before entering the ballroom. I stand at the doors and wait for Ian to introduce me so that I can make my entrance.

"I would like to introduce the Princess of the night, Kayla Diana Faye Lascher and her Prince and escort Josh Adam Kishlansky, making their grand entrance," Ian introduces me over the microphone and gestures for everyone to look at the doors.

Josh grabs my hand and carefully links my arm through his and we make our grand entrance into the party.

"Kayla and Josh will now be dancing a special choreographed waltz to the song 'As Long As You Love Me" Ian informs everyone just as we reach the bottom of the stairs. "So if everyone would be so kind as to allow them room by taking their seats, please."

Everyone takes their seat, the music starts playing and Josh and I start waltzing around in a slow waltz around the dance floor. When we finish the dance Josh bows and I curtsy to everyone and Ian comes up to us and Josh respectfully places my hand in his, gives him a quick bow and moves to the stage to announce the next dance, we move into place and are joined by the other royal couples.

"I would like to now announce the special dance between Kayla and her uncle Ian and there will also be her Uncle Joseph dancing with his wife Alyssa, as well as her Aunt Maria with her husband Nathaniel and my Uncle Zach and Aunt Amara will also be joining them on the dance floor," Josh announces.

The DJ starts playing "What makes you different" and we all start waltzing around the dance floor in synchronization.

"You look smart," I tell Ian, as we dance around the floor and I notice what he is wearing for the first time. He is wearing a form fitting white suit with a pale peach pink bow tie and vest.

"Thank you but you look ten millions times better than any of us," Ian compliments me sweetly and ducks his head down and kisses me on the top of the head in a fatherly gesture, careful so as not to bump the crown on my head.

When we finish dancing everyone either bows or curtsies to everyone and then we all take our seats for dinner to be served. Once I've taken my seat I carefully take off my mask so that I can see what is being served unobstructed and place my napkin over my lap. The waiters arrive with a delicious Roast chicken dinner with roast vegetables and a small boat of gravy to put on if we wish I put a small amount of gravy over my dinner and eat it careful so as not to spill any on my dress. When everyone is finished dancing we all head to the dance floor where the DJ starts playing "Human" by Christina Perri and Josh grabs my hand and leads me to the dance floor and pulls me into his arms and starts slowing spinning me around the dance floor. As we slowly dance I look into Josh's eyes and he smiles a sweet smile at me with a look of love on his face. I lean my head on his chest and he leans his cheek on my hair. We dance for a couple more songs before I need to sit down. After we have been sitting for a couple of minutes I notice that Josh is looking around in a manner that makes me think he is searching for someone.

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