Chapter Fifteen

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I wake up to people yelling loudly outside my bedroom door. "She needs to know," I hear someone say. "It's about her."

"If you wake her up, I'll gladly pull your arms from your body," Josh threatens in a deadly voice. "She needs to sleep."

I quietly climb out of bed, glad that I feel refreshed. I make my way over to the door and listen to what is being said.

"She has a right to know this," I hear the first person say, I now realize that it is Matt.

"Leave her be," Josh says in a calmly voice that sounds more threatening than before.

I quickly open the door before they can continue their ridiculous conversation. "What's going on?" I interrupt before Josh can say anything more.

"You should be in bed," Josh says moving to stand next to me.

"I'm fine," I tell him before turning to Matt. "Now what's so important?" I ask ignoring Josh's objections.

"We found out something about the marks on your back," Matt explains.

"Well lets go sit down then you lot can explain what's going on properly," I say, heading to the lounge room.

When I get to the lounge room, I see all the royals sitting around the room with large amounts of books spreading out all over the place, sitting haphazardly on tables and laying all over the floor.

"Hey Kayla, about time you woke up," Zach says, giving me a hug.

"How long was I asleep for?" I ask, just realizing that I don't know how long I was asleep for.

"Two nearly three days, it's almost three in the afternoon" Zach says, leading me to a seat.

I feel my eyebrows furrow it doesn't feel like that long.

"You need it to recuperate properly," Joseph tells me. "The healing you did was huge. Which brings us around to what we found out." He says as Josh joins me on the lounge.

I nod for him to continue, he quickly looks around at everyone before looking back at me. He pushes one of the books to me. "We think we know what your mark means," he says nodding at the book. "It says here that most of the time people who were marked with marks like your one. Their powers ended up before extremely powerful, sometimes so powerful that the person couldn't control it."

"Okay, but my powers aren't stronger than before," I say, confused.

"Yes, but we also found this," Joseph says, pushing a second book towards me. I pick it up and see that it is a journal.

August 20th 1889

King Oscar has developed a second power. We don't know what will come of this but we are trying to find out what we can. Supplies are running low, we will need to replenish soon.

I pass the book back to Joseph. "What does this mean?" I ask, looking him in the eye. "I don't understand what that has to do with me."

"Taken in to context with an early passage from Queen Judy's journal, we believe that the second power developed after he received a mark from the god Dionysus. His mark was much smaller than yours and also we believe from looking at other passages much weaker." He says, "We think that you will end up being much stronger than anyone can predict."

"What makes you think that?" I ask, getting more and more confused.

"We found some other stuff in the first book. It says that the marked person goes through some sort of ordeal, after being marked, that helps them unlock the full strength and power of the mark," Amara says, hoping to clear things up seeing the confusion written all over my face. "There is always some underlying event that causes the person to unlock the full strength of their powers."

"I think I understand now," I say taking a deep breath. "I have a second power due to the mark and if I go through some type of ordeal my powers may become too strong for me to handle."

"We don't know if it's possible or not but we can't rule out you developing a third power," Zach says, looking around before his eyes settle on me.

"Okay, well I've slowly being learning how to use my nature powers, for now that's all I can do," I say quietly, looking at everyone. "I should check on Ian."

I slowly make my way over to Ian's room, when I look in he is asleep. I quickly and efficiently check his vitals and see that are all completely normal. Once I check that he has plenty of water within easy access I make my way out and over to my room. I quickly search through the clothes in the closet until I find a white high-low skirt with pale pink rose floral print and an aqua button up blouse. I quickly make my way to the bathroom. Once I've finished showering and getting ready for the day I decide to go the movie cinemas on court. I grab my phone and bag, I write a note to leave on the coffee table in the lounge room. Once I've done that I make way out of the palace and start heading over to the building with the cinemas. I check my phone and see that it is nearly five in the afternoon, hopefully they will have something for me to watch. Once I reach the building I hear my stomach growl and I decide to stop by one of the restaurants that I saw the last time I was here. I buy myself some nachos and make my way over to cinemas.

"Hey Nick," I say when I see that he is the one behind the counter. "What movies are showing?"

"Hey Princess," Nick says with a small bow. "What's showing depends on what you want to watch."

"What do you mean?" I ask with a smile.

"We have a private screening room set up for royals and we show what you want to watch. You name it we have it," He tells me smiling back.

"Well, I'm in an action movie kind of mood, so what do you recommend?" I ask, not knowing any good action movies.

"How about Kingsman: Secret Service? It's a good action movie," he says, leading me over to the private screening room when I nod. "I'll go set it up and bring you some popcorn and a drink."

"Thank you, Nick," I say before heading over to the seats.

I get comfy and wait for the movie to start.

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Author's note:
Happy Easter everyone, I've decide to do a second update as an Easter present to everyone, I hope you enjoy it.

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