She Loved me, then she loved him

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You know who it is I am talking about. The eyes, the boobs, the hips... the ribs... I likes my ribs.

That it is all I will reserve for you. You're over. Done. I have gone on. I can. I am free. It is time for me to see what I can be. I knew you for 4 years and parts of you for 2. Good parts. But other girls have parts too! It's time I say thank you and move on.

I've know you and men. And to tell you the fricking truth, they both seem very good to me.

Who's farking next?

Man. Woman. Somethig in between. Well, I don't know, but I know it won't be you.

Sorry. All that I am will not be what will help you be who you could be. In the words of Barkowski, "Next!"

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