Smells and my fingers

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So as I look back on last year, I didn't realize how much had changed and how little I had documented. I guess a gunshot to the head will cause some memory issues, and I think I forgot to document my life. Silly me.

Anyway, I'm thinking I'll be bring my journal up to speed on everything. If I did it all right now, I may actually have to spend more than 10 minutes on a blog post. And since I'm too horny to have to waste time typing when I could be surfing porn... well, you understand.

I'll start with shocking news. I turned the Little Boy... er, maybe it wasn't me. I mean, we hit it off pretty good last year, but we only had the one juice filled encounter. It seems sometime around October, he found himself a girlfriend. I've met her a couple of times and I think she is adequately yummy if it wasn't for one thing. Her uni-brow! Nope, sorry. She doesn't have one. I'm just kidding. No, her real issue is that she has a mustache... that's not true either but if it was I may have to question if the Little Boy had been turned.

No, her issue, and it is really my issue, is that she smells like Jo. You remember Jo? The girl who dumped my ass so bad that I turned to the Internet to pour out my soul and sexual adventures? You're probably happy with the latter and put up with the former.

Kaaren, (it's not a typo) has a sweet burnt smell about her. I'm not sure if it the soap she used or the fabric softener, or just a chemical reaction of how her body odor mixes in the air. Either way, I like Kaaren, but the smell... brings back to many memories which unfortunately the bullet did not remove.

Now, I'm feeling nostalgic. And lonely. And sorry for myself. I think I need to stop typing and go exercise my fingers in another way. A good orgasm will fix my brain... or at least replace out the smell!

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