It Happened Again

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On Tuesday of last week, I downloaded Microsoft's security patch. Big mistake since my computer started toact funny. Not funny haha, but funny, oh crap... did I save that? Either way, it throws a blue screens of death all the time and the most I could do is back up some of my music.

I figured I was screwed.

Luckily,  I had to do this bachelor party over at the Marriot and found myself a geek who was able to help get my computer back together. I didn't even have to blow them!

I think she is nice and all, but I think we are from two different worlds. She bears men, and I bare to them. I wonder if she'll call? And if she does, what will we talk about?

Today was one of those days you would like to not have. I felt rather dark waking up, and it just got worst from there.

Ok, that's not fair. I felt good, not great, but good. And so I went to work, doing an afternoon shift on a snowy day. I made good money and was drinking my water and Cokes (i.e. Rum and Cokes to the public) and laughing when a dancer walked by me. I don't know her name since she was new and usually there is a 90 to 10 chance that she wouldn't be back tomorrow. But she smelled.

She smelled of Joe. The girl who broke my heart. I felt horrible.

My mind remembered the first moment I smelt that smell. We were both taking a pee when she exited the stall next to mine just at the right moment for me to walk out of mine. We smacked heads and I smelled that smell. It was like Jasmine and sweat. It smelt... beautiful.

And today I smelt it again. And the memories came back. And I felt empty inside.

The Boy didn't cure me of my woes. I think I knew that before. The only mind that can help me is... my own. And right now, its smelling jasmine and sweat. And missing of what could have been.

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