harry - a lake surprise

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Hey beautiful,
The boys and I have gone out for most of the day but I have organised a surprise for you at 7:00,
Love Harry <3

Well at least he told me else I would be sat here worrying all day,
He has a surprise for me?

Next to the letter was a white box with red ribbon around it, I opened the box to see the prettiest dress I have ever seen

Next to the letter was a white box with red ribbon around it, I opened the box to see the prettiest dress I have ever seen

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It was a beautiful red casual dress,

I love it!

The rest of the day I was getting more excited by the second I wonder what Harry has in store for tonight?
Seeing as it was 5:00 I think I should start getting ready.

I completed my outfit with red heels, red lipstick, smokey eye and winged eyeliner I also curled the ends of my hair slightly.

WOW I look pretty good if I say so myself.
'Knock knock' I heard on my bedroom door. I opened my bedroom door slowly not knowing who it was,
Tobi was standing there in a white button up and black skinny jeans wearing some yezzys and an all black adidas SnapBack on.
"Hey Tobi, why are you all dressed up?"I said questioning him.
"I am your ride to your date, by the way you look stunning" he said in a posh accent I just laughed and thanked him.

Tobi escorted me to his car and opened the door for me so I could sit and then he went to the drivers seat.
"So Tobs were am I going for this 'date'" I said raising one eyebrow.
"Sorry that is classified information" he said with a slight chuckle.
I just groaned and looked out the window while he laughed at me.

Once we got there I looked out to see we were at the lake were Harry and I first meet, which is for another story;-).

There were white fairy lights hung around the trees and across the other side of the lake there was a picnic blanket laid out with a picnic basket on the top with a couple of candles scattered around it. I stood there in shock not noticing Harry walking up behind me and wrapping his arms around my waist.
"Do you like it?"Harry whispered in my ear, "No Harry, I love it" I managed to get out in a whisper"
"That's good then" Harry said as he spun me around to face him while he got on one knee.

"Y/N, you are the best thing that has ever happened to me, I remember the day I meet you here at this lake you caught my eye, you looked stunning and you somehow seem to get more beautiful every day if that is possible,
I'm not good at long speeches so I'll just say this, Y/N,
Even though I'm unsure of some things in life I am certain that I love you and will continue to love you forever,
Y/N will you marry me?" By now I was full on crying.
"H-h-Harry of course I will I love you to"
I heard cheering from behind the trees I saw Simon walk out with a camera including the rest of the sidemen and my best friend,
Harry and I chuckled as he slipped the ring on my finger,

I honestly can't wait to spend my life with the man I...

Love <3


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