Chapter 2

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Walking away hurts so much .to know I thought he cares at one time , but boy I got it all wrong ,may be it's for the best maybe we weren't meant to be together. I wish all love story can end like a romance novel but after all it's just a wish .so I took a taxi and head home .if you are guessing if I am tipsy after my three rounds of rum and coke? yes I am .I guess that's why I feel more miserable ,wish he was here with me now .
O I really need to pull my self together .
Ok so it's microwave dinner shower and sleep another hard day tomorrow .

Ufff I really and truly hates alarm just when you are in the best part of your sleep it goes off and to top it off I have a terrible head ache thanks to my drinks from last evening .
Now I really really would have a miserable day ouch.
(Must have been love but it's over now .) my ring tone by roxette .o god who could be calling me so early in te morning ?
So I grab my phone without looking at the callers if and said !
"This better be good other wise I will kick your ass.
'Ad good morning to you too your grouchy ness ,if it was your boss that did call you now your ass would have been on fire .
O it's my friend Tasha .

" One it's too early for my boss to call me ' and two what's so good about this morning?
Hmmm looks like someone had an interesting evening after I left you ,because you sound crazy right now !so are you up to lunch ?
'No Hun goto work .
Hmm ok .
" Hey Tash how about dinner ?
' Yes that's sounds cool and I will get to hear why you sound so grouchy so early morning!
Jules I can't believe you here I am happy an so excited about my evening yesterday and want to share it with you but you sound so miserable you ain't noticed my sweet voice!
Instantly am all ears I totally forgot about her evening am such a terrible friend .
So tell me how it went nah at least a little good news will do me good right now.
"Oh so now you wants to know .
'Will you tell me already !
'Nope till evening,
'Aww come on give me a hint was it good.!
'You have a wicked ass mind miss Julie . will tell you everything evening ok until then be good muuwahh.kisses bye
Muuwahh Bye Hun .

O man I don't know why people drink alcohol !don't the get head aches? I swore as soon I reach work it's panadol and a glass of water that should set me right!

By mid morning I was doing ok because my motto is don't waste life it's precious and stressed kills well untill a certain person cross my mind . my mind does go hellter skellter .ok ok am so not going to think of him not now too much work to do.

At around twelve thirty my phone rang my heart speed up because kris calls me at this time I ran so fat to answer it .but it's not him aww come on Julie why would he wants to call you remember he breaks up with you !the phone rang again I was so in grossed in my thoughts I did not even relies the phone rang out .
It's my mom who is calling me so I answer
"Hi mom .
Hi baybo!
"I swear don't matter how old I got my parents will always call me that nick name .but I loved my parents they always there for me.
' How are you mom?
Am ok it's just that I don't hear from you these days I thought I will just call and see how you doing.

" Am doing ok mom !it's just that I am so busy these days sorry !
'It's ok how is kris?
right she don't know we broke up !
'He is ok mom .I so hate to lie to her but it's part truth he is ok with someone else .
' Miss you baybo can you and kris come over this weekend ?
" Umm mom no not this weekend ok but soon and I miss you guys too an love you all too .
' Ok love I know you at work so talk soon ok bye.
Bye mom.

I sat right where I am and remember the last time kris call me as usual we talk and start off ok until he said something offended and curse and that's where an argument start .
when I got home that evening after work he was home already looking at a movie sitting on the couch most times he would reach home before me. so I said
"Good afternoon !
He barely mumbles something I can barely heard him. from that tone I know to keep my peace because I know if I say something he would too and an argument would start. So I took a hot shower did not had dinner and went to bed. A little whole after he came in and said " we need to talk.
Arite I so hate that talking when someone says we need to talk you already knows it's not good.
So I sat Indian style and said " ok I am all ears let's talk.

He inhale and said" this is not working out Julie we always fight and argue most of the times .
I admit you are so dam good in bed and a very good cook I admit too that we got this fire in both of us. but you are so hot tempered and so am I . so we should break up !


'You heard me .
Yes I do and you think this is the best way in a relationship ?
'It's for the best julie.
Am I too much for you kris?
It's not how it sound julie
He don't really call me Julie or my full name he calls me normal nicknames .
If that's what you wants bay.. I stop my self from saying baby. ok kris if that's what you wants I will moved out .I will look for a place ASAP .
He said 'ok.
And he went to his side of the bed and turn his back to me.

I so want to touch him to feel him next to me and for him to hold me and says everything would be ok I just want to snuggle up next to him . but his words hurts I guess he don't wants me no more maybe I am not good for him no more if he wants me to go I will just go.
I cry my self to sleep . and sleep would not come I think I fell asleep in the morning like around two. I woke up hearing noise in. The kitchen te door left a little ajar so I can hear noise coming from there . I guess he is making breakfast because he have to work.
I went straight to the bathroom it take a look in the mirror to my horror I look like a walking zombie my hair all over my eyes so swollen from crying god I look like hell .by time I went back to the room he was already there and dress for work .hmm no breakfast this morning for me he usually make for me too but hey what I expect the man just broke up with hurts but if he can do with out me I can too.

I did not went work I went home and do some clean up . I said home because don't matter I was by kris I did not give up my apartment and now it came in good it's a good thing I did not give it up when he was insisting I do.
So I took a taxi and went and collect my stuff I garb and dump things in bag what was left I leave him a note saying I would go back for them soon.

The slamming of a door jolt me back to earth if my boss came and saw me day dreaming it wouldn't be good . ok he is not bad I got to know his bark is so loud than his bite and his wife she is so simply awesome she is so nice . I like them both and their two kids the are my babies lie love them .

I know I know it's long long long enjoy comment please :)

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