Chapter 8

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Julie pov .

'I can't take it any more I ... want. .... You ... now I am panting my body is on fire with every kiss of Kris he nibble my ear lobe .O my ....G......
I can here a knock coming from my front door but am too far away am so locked as to what Kris is doing to me
I can still hear the pounding on the door now I can hear it louder I open my eyes fully awake...
Holy macaroni I was having the most sweetest dream since o jezz I guess it's because of that stupid kiss. Why oh why I can't get him off my mine now am even dreaming him if....
What the hell !
Open the dam door ,I know you are in there.
From the sound of that woman she sound real angry ,still groggy from sleep I open my window and just in time to see her picking up a small rock
"You better don't do that!i said to my cousin.
That is my cousin Nikki who was breaking down my door now she's at my bedroom window pelting a rock at my window ,I give her the most not so in good mood and not a morning person look ,especially on a Sunday morning .

Julie I am counting from one to three i swear if you don't open that door I will get that hunk over there doing his lawn to break your door down .shoots I know her treats really well .
One ..... I scoot out of my bed with just bra and undie . so much for my bad girl glare to my cousin .I unlatch my door just in time she shouts five .
"Wait back up you say three how you reach five ?and here I was looking forward to that guy to come break down my door!

Hahahaha very funny Jules and good morning to you too.
"You have a very nice way of saying good morning Nikki .anyways good morning to you too, and why were you breaking down my door and throwing rocks at my window so early?
'I want you to do me a huge favor.
"Ah ha I know it's something ,come in and make your self at home I will just go in the shower and be back ok!
' Ok.

I take fast use of the toilet brush my teeth and take a nice warm shower after all who likes to take cold shower early morning.
I can smell bacon hmmm my tommy grumbles my sis . Do know how to make my day and she know my favorite Sunday breakfast .well we both call each other sis because we grow up close together .
I didn't bother blow dry my hair I just pull on a cut off jeans shorts and a tank top. as I enter the kitchen I stop short.
Sleeping peace fully in a car seat is my three year and 7 months old niece
"How .... where .......were Sami when you were shouting and banging down my door?
' In the car.
"Are you outa your mind ?
What now ?
"You just don't go about leaving sleeping babies in car stupid woman!
'Hold your horses Jules she was merely five feet away from me and the window was open too you do know Sami is my....
"World' I finish off her sentence yea that child is her world .

I help her set the table for two for our festive breakfast .
' You know what I don't get with you miss J.
" What?
'Why you like to have a big breakfast and you barely eats?
"It's simple I love food and I love everything here on this table I will eat small portion and leave the rest in fridge for weekdays .between mouthfuls I ask her
"So what kind of favor you need from a poor girl like me ?

"One you are not poor you have a very rich heart so that makes you rich. and two I want you to look after Sami for me today .
'Thank u for the first part .they second part may I ask why?

Because I ...well...ummm...

'Will u get your sentence out ! you are acting like a teenager you know.
'I have a date today!!!
Ok so why u couldn't say....whattt da what??? did you just say what I heard you say?
I drank my coffee and digest that info .
My sis went through so much with her child father he was so nice an as soon she gets pregnant the quarrel start then he start to spend less time with her until things get so bad she had to moved here to my place till she coulda find somewhere else at that time I use to date Kris. I did want her to stay here but she insist she wants to moved so I didn't push it she works hard and never look at a guy since Sami born . sometimes I worried that she wouldn't trust anther guy and here now she have a date . am so happy for her that she over come her hardship and ready to live life .I can feel my eyes water.
'Hey are you ok ?
She came over to my side of the table and I hug her so tight
'am so happy for you ,
'Me too'
We went back to our chair I saw her take a very small piece of egg and put it in her mouth her looks are like far away.
What are you studying Niks ?
" O you know this thing about trust and all look at what happen to Sami's dad and me,
Everybody's not the same Hun ,and yes I wish you all the best but always remember even if this don't work you keep tryin till you find the one ok.

Do you guys have extra?
We both turn to the voice

Sorry guys I don't have much time but I still trying to post and upload ok. please comment and let me know what you all thinks plenty love and kisses xoxoxo

He is looking at me and my cuz and pretend like he didn't hear I call out his name .

"What are you doing here so early Ryan ?
' And good morning to you too pretty eyes.
"Yea yea good morning ,and u still haven't answer my question.
'You know something you should learn to close your door you don't know who can come in here especially there is two beautiful women here.
"I will keep that in mind thank you, I look over at my cuz she is so beat red hmm I wonder why she's blushing !she look at me and I arch my brows she whisper softly and says" he says two beautiful women!
"Shut up!
Ryan came over and ask what is the whispering about?
You know Ryan you are too malicious !
" So J who is this pretty lady?
O...M...G... The man can charm a snake. " She's my cousin Nikki .
"Nice to meet you Nikki .

and he take one of her and hands and kissed it.

Dam my cuz got more red in her cheeks
It's ....nice... to meet tooo
I think does couple words took her ages to say. o lord and she's supposed to be the strong one out of us both well at least she is over that douche bag and can smile and blush like right now.

So can I have some breakfast ? am starving here.

'What pretty lips why you don't want me to have breakfast with you guys? that break my sweet little heart .but Nikki says I can have thank you.

I glare at him he sat down and help himself ,greet now I will have to answer so much question from Niks how I met him where he from what's he like etc etc gezZ.

"This is so yummy and so tasty.
'Thank you Ryan !
'With you cook Nikki ?
'I see you not only pretty and have a beautiful heart but you can cook as well.
O my god talk about sweet words I tell you Ryan has it all I think .
' Thank you Ryan .
You are welcome .
" To answer your question from earlier julie I came to see if you are ok .you know I was worried all you could have do is to call me and says you are ok you know?

I look at him he look serious .
" Well as you can see am ok Ryan thank you, and am so sorry for not calling you .to let you know am ok.
Then a thought struck me .

'Ryan have you ever heard of phone?
'Ummmm ahhh why ?
" You know you could have call me than to come all the way here !
He smile "I don't have your number !
I don't ....
"I heard you!
You are such a smart ass you know that ?
'Yea I know .
Before I say another word I just shut up and eat .I know he can have my number from Richie . or he probably have it already . because I know he store his number in my phone last night when he was giving me a ride home .he is such a smart ass! I don't understand I just know Ryan for one evening and I feel I know him for a life time he is easy to get along with funny and charming yup charming he is he can charm the devil if he have to .

" What so funny Jules ?
' O just something I remember Nikki .
"Hmmm I see Anyways I have to take a leave now thanks for looking after Sami for me . and Ryan hope to see you again!

'She hug me and I whisper have fun!
'Thanks I will try to.

As soon she was out Ryan ask."who is Sami ?
'Her baby girl.
She have a kid?
' She don't look so though.
"No she don't .
So where is she?
"She's in my room sleeping !
I love kids we will have fun how old is she ?
" Three years seven months !
Nice so I have a day off we can carry her to the park , what you think?

O goodie this is just greet "hmmmmm ok we will thank you .

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