Chapter 4

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Thank you all so much for reading and comments and to whoever votes thank u guys ok plenty love n kisses muuwahh xoxo :)

Kris pov

Put ur head in the game kris!
I look across to my friend n my cousin the three of us liming tonight,
They have this look on their faces the one I know they always tease me about Julie .
Since she left I look so miserable , not only looks I feel so too.

What r u talking about tony my head n the game alright .
But in fact it's not ,it's on a certain feisty woman who is just across the road from where I am .but I can't let d guys see me like this or tease will start,

So I said I did not get that shot right bro.
Yea right!tony said and he n my cousin Andrew give each other a hi 5 ,
I lost all five round of the pool game ,I guess tonight really is not my night" I keep thinking of the woman who whenever I think of her makes my loins harden they mare thought of her when she is angry they way her face does be is a total turn on ,she does looks so darn sexy .i don't know why I told her we have to break up! maybe it's because she is so fucking hot headed and so am I , she always wants to be right ,I understand that's how women are so I start to think maybe she is better off without me maybe I am not for her I know I don't love her but I do cares for her ,I don't believe in love .love just don't exit but with her around I feel things like I just want to protect her from the world,
But then things weren't the same . except the sex that is something we both enjoy that ain't change but other than that it's something or the other we argue about sometimes I just look at her when she arguing they way her eyes brows draws together her eyes well I must say it's dam sexy to look into
N wen she walks they way her hips sways so many times I can't concentrate when she says thing to give her point or if she folds her hand in front of her and they way her boobs push together n be up .so she always gets mad at me and says I don't pay attention or listen to her , so I does do what she likes most n give up arguing grab her n kiss the hell out of her ,

Yo dude back to earth man " says tony!
I blink n says what?
You are day dreaming bro wait or is it night dreaming because it's night now ,but whatever it is only women so such things n he burst out laughing
Ok enough of this game it's boring.
Tony said says who ? for they first time I am enjoying kicking ur ass n pools game and you want to quit? that sux man!

I look across the d street where she is ,she can't see me because I am in the pools hall.
She looks better than last night !it took all my will power not to take her in my arms n kiss her last night , but I know she would be better off with out me she needs love and I don't think I have that to give .
She looks as if she needs a week sleep I think she hardly sleep , maybe it's work load ,if Sofie didn't turn up on time maybe I would have take her n hold her right there ,Sofie is a friend she saw how miserable I was n told me let's go get dinner go and hang at a bar ,
So I agree to it well except when she mention which bar I froze because I know that's where me and Julie use to go to , she might be hot head n stubborn as fuck , but she is loving n sweet n caring I like the way she pass her finger on my face or through my hair, I don't know why 'when she walks away last night my chest tightens it feels weird I left Sofie n follow her a distance I saw she got into a taxi I know she was tipsy too , ooo how I loved when her when she is in that state she is a wild cat .
Fuck thinking like that don't help I am In public and I have a bulge In front of me
Ok Kris get ur act together u can do with out her o hell so now am talking to my self.
So I turn around n told the guys let's get Friday night started
But isn't that what we are doing ?tony ask"
Shut up dumbo I mean it's beers n n women .
Whoa wait somebody hit me please because I want to know did kris just say beers n women? or I ain't hear right ?
So I punch him real hard on the shoulder
Yo dude that hurts
U behaving like a girl " I told him
That's so not funny bro.
Whatever let's go guys ,
Kris we need to have a man to man talk cuz..
Not good
Andy like now ? Andy is his nick name short
I just don't want you to do nothing stupid kris"
I wouldn't do nothing crazy Andrew !
Let's go guys let the party begins.

Thank u guys for reading I try do damage control wit some spellings I does type fast to upload so I don't really have much time to review pls comment n vote n let me know what u guys thinks ok :)

Julie pov.

Everybody was talking n laughing I tried to enjoy too many times Ryan would nudges me ,
Richie got up to get drinks and ask me if I don't mind take a Heineken,
Hmmm let me see
But before I could give my answer Tash says
Yes" get her one
So I says well what you waiting for ?
You herd the woman go get us our drinks man.
They laugh n I join in ,it's amazing what a little outing can do makes u feel alive than be home and be miserable!
Ryan says he will go with Richie .
As soon they were out of ear shot
Tash. says you know he seems like a nice guy!
Who ?
Jul don't play cute with me, you fully well know who am talking about.!
So I wink at her n smile and I says yup he is but he moves fast girl"
I can see that j.
Then a thought cross my mind
So Tash. if he is Richie's friend how come you never saw him?
He travels a lot jul"
Hmm I see' so wait, with his looks n I guess he have money or are well off you really think I can just go and have something with him? O hell no he probably have women all over wherever he goes so nope thank u tash. I good.
I can see she was thinking
Jules this is what am going to do I will ask Richie more about him"
What are you crazy ? no don't do that.
Why not when Richie heard we have plans here this evening he says good because he have a friend that he would like to introduce us to!so he says that since you are not longer in a relationship you can start date again. he admits that he don't know why Kris act like that but says a man does do everything for a reason.

Hmmm I see well m glad Richie like me n that way n that he cares too tash.
O man what the hell taking them so long?
Probably talking jul
Hahahaha n to think only women do does things talk.
Hahha you are right maybe they having man to man talk n getting our drinks
We were laughing when they reach our table ,
So what so funny guys? Ryan ask us,
Ahhhh hmmm my lips parted and I can't came up with an excuse I see Ryan looks at my mouth so I quickly shut it n speak again n says
It's girl stuff you are too malicious
That I am lips of an angel!
Did he , wait did he just call me lips of an angel,
I look at Tash she was looking at me
Ryan n how would you know I have lips like an angel?
I can prove it for you chocolate princess !
Huh ? hmmm
Man You change nick names for me fast"
You ain't hear nothing yet babe " there is more to come.
Before I say something and feel more embarrassed I took my beer n says cheers we knock our bottles drink .
Ryan said miss Hathaway 'you ask me a question earlier ! The answer is yes I do see something I like!
So by time I coulda swallow n ask what's that?
Your lips "I like them!
I choke on my drink it splatter n I start to cough ,
U coulda between coughing I said again u coulda told me that earlier .
When my coughing subside I turn to him and says are you crazy?
Tash and Richie looking on as if they looking at a movie,
U guys need popcorn ?I ask them
Now now Jules don't be snappy I think you ask the guy a question so he answers you we don't see nothing wrong with that.
Richie well that question gone long now he took his own sweet time answering n very bad timing.
Aww come on sugar pie let me help clean u up here
Will you stop with they sweet name already !yuck am gonna puk.
Hahha I told you there is more to come just wait hmmm n to think he will be with us most of they night.
O well I will just have to put up wit him after all I hardly think of Kris so I guess he is good company so far well except for the flirting bit.

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