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It had all started with a letter on her desk. Having her own office, it was quite common for letters and papers to suddenly appear on the wood surface. Though, they were often dropped off by various low ranking officers or droids. This one was different however. It looked as if the papers on her desk had been cleared away, so that the letter was in the exact middle of them. She sighed as she picked the piece of paper up to see if there was any information on the envelope. There wasn't. She sat down and slowly opened it and pulled the piece from its cover. She immediately looked to the bottom for any signature. Of course there was one, and of course it was from one of the two people she loathed to hear from. At the bottom of the paper, in big, beautiful calligraphy, was the signature of General Brendol Hux.
"Son of a Bitch, what does he want now." She mumbled to herself as she began to read the letter.
    It was not what she thought it was, was it. Was it seriously an apology from those two assholes? Do they really think that apologizing, after a year of depression and heartaches, and after she had finally found someone else, that they could do something like this? The letter had basically held an apology and a place for the three of them to meet. (Y/N) scoffed and threw the letter into the trash bin by her desk, and proceeded with her work.
     About an hour later, Dopheld, her new lover, had come in to her office to visit.
"Hey Dop." She got up form her seat and rushed over to wrap her arms around his neck. He easily caught her and spun her around, giving her a chaste kiss when he set her back down.
"Hey (Y/N)." He said with a goofy smile.
"What brings you here lieutenant." She threw out playfully.
"What, I can't see my favorite head doctor?"
She giggled and kissed him again.
"Well, I'm free for another hour, anything you want to do, Dop?" She said suggestively.
"Well..." He tapped his finger on his chin.
     At the end of the day, she was so relieved to finally go back to her quarters. She was thinking about how she was basically pass out once she entered as she put in the code. The door opened to two men, staring straight at her. She screamed.
"What the hell are you two doing in here?! get out!" She commanded
"You didn't come." Ren replied sadly.
"No shit it didn't come, you really think a letter is going to fix it all?"
Hux opened his mouth, as if to say something, but then closed it.
"You two broke my fucking heart, and now that I've finally, finally moved on, you want me back? It doesn't work like that. Now, if you'll excuse me gentlemen, I'm going to go find the only person who actually cares about me on this goddamn ship ."
"He's already been taken cared of." Ren spit out.
"You didn't."
"He took what's ours!"
"You- you killed him. You monsters!" She screamed. She ran out of the room ,tears now falling down her face, as Hux and Kylo ran after her. Corridor after corridor she turned, trying to lose them. Why the fuck would they do that? Killing a man, just because he has the girl you now want back? They were getting smaller and smaller as she gained more lead way in between them and herself.
When she had lost them, she quickly found a supply closet. She quickly closed herself in, and since she couldn't find some sort of lock, barracked the door with some boxes. She sat down in the far corner of the small room, and began to sob. What the fuck had she done to deserve this? She was finally happy, with a stable relationship with someone whom she knew actually loved her, and then those two came back into the picture. Last time she checked, she was only an "object of their lust", in the words of Hux. She hit the wall, letting out some of her anger that went along with her grief. There was a knock on the door.
"(Y/N)?" Came an accented voice. She knew it was the general had found her. She stopped making any sound, hoping that he would just go away. The door knob jiggled and opened, knocking into the barrack she had set up.
"(Y/N)?" A weird sounding scoff, "Take these things down, let me in."
She remained silent. He then kicked the door, opening the door enough for him to enter.
"(Y/N)." He sighed as he slowly approached her.
"Get (hiccup) the (hiccup) fuck away from me!" She curled in on herself more. He crouched down by her, and she scooted farther against the wall. He reached out to touch her, but she slapped his hand away, and quickly moved to get up. He, however, was more quick to catch her arm to stop her from moving.
"Let go of me!"
She jerked her hand, trying to lose his grip, but he still held on firmly.
"You. Are. Ours." He punctuated.
"I'm not anyone's. I've moved on, you need to too."
She let out an irritated growl and jerked her hand harder, still, his grip would not relent.
"You're coming with me."
"No I'm not!"
Her protests were ignored as he dragged her out of the closest and in the direction of his quarters.
     She squirmed and tried to free herself the whole journey there. Hux seemed to ignore these and calmly proceed however. When they did get to his quarters, he quickly typed in a code and the doors opened, revealing a scene (Y/N) hadn't seen in over a year. A large and sparsely furnished living room with a miserable looking Kylo Ren on one of the couches. His face immediately lit up when he saw the women enter the room.
"(Y/N)?" He said coming towards her with a rare smile. She tugged her arm more, trying again to get away from the duo. Hux only pulled her farther into the room, and the door closed behind them. Kylo came closer and stood next to Hux. Fear was running through her veins, if they had killed Mitaka, then would they kill her too?
"We have no desire to harm you." She heard Kylo say softly.
"You killed him! Why wouldn't you just kill me next!" She sobbed as she collapsed onto the ground in a heap. She faced the door, away from them, just waiting for something to happen; hopefully what she had suggested. The two sighed and opened the door, seeing that they would make no progress with her like this. She quickly got up and ran out the entranceway and down the corridor. They both looked at her as she ran. They didn't know how, but they knew that they soon would get their precious (Y/N) back.

Oh, The Things We Do for Love (Kylo Ren x Hux x reader insert)Where stories live. Discover now