In Which Kylo Actually Wants Medical Attention

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      The next morning, (Y/N) completely ignored the vases, and continued to get ready for the day. Then, like every other day, she made her way to the med bay of the ship, and settled herself in her office, and began to fill out paper work. She was in the middle of filling some prescription pain killers for a certain officer, when one of the doctors that worked under her burst through the door, panic obvious on his face as he announced.
"L-Lord Ren has been i-injured, and re-requests your m-medical at-attention immediately."
She just sighed and slowly rose from her chair. She followed the flustered doctor out of the room and down a series of hallways that lead to a door that held a medical suite inside. She quickly dismissed him and opened the door, apparently waking up her ex in the progress. He let out an emphasized groan as he turned to face her, though, she knew he was faking. She had seen him with worse injuries and still run several miles, while killing several people in the process.
"What do you want Kylo?" She groaned.
He moaned and reached out to her.
"It hurts (Y/N)"
"Get out."
"Pllllllease" he moaned
"Out. Now." She pointed to the door.
"No, please! Just please see if I have injured myself please!" He was practically on his knees begging at this point. Not wanting to be held responsible for possibly further injuring the commander, she sighed.
"Get on the bed, and SHUT UP!" She pinched her nose between her fingers in annoyance. She went over to cabinets in the corner, where the scanner was. She quickly grabbed it from one of the lower drawers and made her way back to the supposedly injured knight. She scanned him quicker than she did with her usual patients, and looked at the results not even twenty seconds later.
"A mild concussion and minor bruises. Get out." She said bluntly.
The knight didn't move as he still laid on the medical bed, still staring at the doctor.
"Ren, Get. Out." She pointed to the door. Seeing that he had no intention of moving, she sighed and began to make her way out of the room. That was, until she walked into a wall of black uniform. She was about to recoil and quickly dodge her way the hell out of there, when two hands grabbed her wrists in a firm grip and walked her back a step into the room as the door swished back into place. She struggled to get out of the general's grip, but he would not yield.
"Let go of me! Bastard!" She kicked her legs, finding purchase in his abdomen, causing the the red head to let go of her hands as he grabbed that area. She stepped a few paces back, before she couldn't move. She saw Kylo get off the bed and come behind her. With a gloved thumb, he stroked her cheek and looked with a sad look, down at her.
"O, how I have missed this." He whispered into her hair as he laid a chaste kiss there.
"Let go of me, please." She now felt fear running through her. Kylo seemed to sense this, and tighten his grip on her, as now Hux began running his fingers through her hair as well.
"No need to be afraid of us love." Kylo cooed.
"She's afraid?" Hux raised a brow.
He responded by rubbing his cheek onto the top of her head
"It seems so." He sighed.
"She's shaking Ren." He ran his hand down her arm and intertwined his with hers and raised it towards the knight to see.
"So it seems."
The general brought her hand to his lips and place a gentle kiss on its back, then turned it so he could kiss her palm.
"S-stop." She begged
Her pleas were ignored as the two men continued to leave soft caresses and kisses.
"Stop. Stop!" Her eyes began to well up as she struggled to get out of their hold. The men noticed this and did, in fact, stop and both looked at her with confused looks.
"What's wrong darling?" Hux asked
"Really?!" She pushed out of their hold and backed up towards the door.
"What the hell have I told you two assholes several times?" Tears streamed down her face"I hate you!"
With that she opened the door and booked it out of the room, sobbing as she ran, leaving two bewildered men behind her. She ran all the way back to her room (not including elevators), and slammed the door shut as she got to her quarters. She made sure to lock and set a passcode for her door, and with tears still streaming down, she ran to her bedroom, hopped onto her bed, grab a pillow, and began to sob into it. She hadn't realized she had fallen asleep, until she woke up to find that several hours had passed, and it was now the night cycle.
"Shit." She said to herself. She got out of bed, and went to her bathroom to clean herself up. After she had washed up, she went out to her kitchen arena to make some tea, and sat on her couch, silently wondering what she was going to do.
After downing her cup of tea, and after thinking through her options, she sighed as she got up. She redressed herself and made her way down a few halls, until she made it to an office. (Y/N) stepped through the threshold and went up to a desk where a woman in uniform was typing at a screen behind a desk. She walked up to the woman and with a quiet voice asked.
"Is it possible to apply for a transfer?"

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