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When she did get back to her room, she all but collapsed onto her bed. She hadn't bothered to adjust herself, she just grabbed on to her pillow like a lifeline and cried for what seemed like days. She heard her alarm go off, signaling that she had only stayed up a night crying, instead of the large span of days it felt like. She was almost about to call in sick, thinking there was no way that she could function like this, but she realized that people still needed her help, and so she would be strong and face the day, hiding her internal grief. She groggily got ready for the day, barely staying awake. Luckily the medical center had a caff machine, so she could just run on caffeine until the end of the day. She took a deep breath an walked out the doors, keeping a vigilant eye for her two ex lovers.
     She entered her office, after waiting for the good fifteen minutes it took for the caff to brew and to wait for her other tired co workers to get their cup. She almost dropped her mug, however, when she saw the ginormous bouquet of flowers that now sat atop of her desk.
"Huh?" She asked aloud to herself. She slowly, cautiously, made her way to where the vase sat, as if the blooms may have some sort of explosive buried somewhere within them. There was a note strung around the bunch of stems, one that looked quite intricate and, well, expensive looking. Guessing who it was from, and still hoping somehow Mitaka was still alive and somehow sending her flowers now, she opened the card:                                                           Our dearest  (Y/N),
     We both sincerely apologize for the actions that took place last evening. If you wish to know, Lieutenant Dopheld Mitaka has been transferred to Inquisitor on short notice, unlike what Ren had misled you to believe yesterday. We have no intentions of hurting you, and we both wish for you to come back to us, so we may be what we once were. We understand that you may not wish to speak to us right now, and we accept the fact we did, in fact, may have said a few choice words in the past that you may have taken offense to. We both have realized our mistake by letting you go, and we assure you that we will do all that is within our power to win you back.
                                                             With Dutiful Love and Sincerity,
                                                                      Commander Kylo Ren
                                                                      General Brendol Hux
      Well, at least Dopheld was alive, but the fact that they had blamed her for their breakup enraged her. She had half a mind to just chuck the flowers into the trash compactor,or , she realized, she could just chuck the note into the trash, but give the flowers to her a friend of her's that she had accidentally ignored for the past week or so. She was actually the one who really helped her through her break up and was always kind of there for her. She may have considered her a best friend, but something keep her from saying the words aloud. She had been busy lately, and she hadn't really had time to converse or do any thing with her. Maybe the flowers will show that she was aware of the situation, and maybe she'll get a break sometime in the near future to finally go see her friend again. She went over to her communications device and put in a request for someone  to deliver something. She quickly sprawled out a note on another piece of paper and within a few minutes, a nervous looking man in First Order regalia was at her door. She quickly handed him the vase and told him the name and place of her friend and sent him on his way. With that taken care of, she plopped down on her desk chair and did some paperwork. She couldn't help the occasional glance to the letter in the bin. She was relieved that Dopheld was still alive, but the fact that they seemed to blame her for the breakup still bothered her. She sighed and shook her head, they're just a couple of assholes, she thought to herself, and she laughed.
It had been a long ass day, apparently Kylo had another tantrum, and at less fifteen 'troopers where sent to the med bay. Most of them had some sort of respiratory problem, and the rest had  a broken limb or two. This, doubled with the fact that she hadn't slept the night prior, led to an extremely fatigued (Y/N). She almost fell asleep three times during her rounds, and actually did fall asleep for a good fifteen minutes in her office, before being awaken by one of her underlings, alerting her about the injured 'troopers. Her head hung low, almost falling asleep right there, as she trudged into her quarters. She turned on her lights to see better, only to be met with a room full of flora. She rubbed her face and groaned, she was too tired of this shit. She ignored the unwanted decorations in her rooms and quickly got ready for bed. She turned on her shower, and was about to undress when she heard her door open. She quickly darted out of her small 'fresher. There stood a lower ranking officer bringing in more vases of flowers.
"Seriously?!" She yelled, startling the poor man, almost causing him to drop the glasses.
"I'm-I'm sorry madam, I-I was told to deliver these to your quarters."
"By who?"
"The- the commander, and Ge-general Hux, y-you are Dr.(L/N), correct?"
She sighed and rubbed her temples. "Yes, that's me, is that all?"
The poor guy let out a nervous breathy laugh "n-no, there's about five more."
(Y/N) groaned. "Well, I'm going to shower, go ahead and finish up with," she motioned towards the door, "that." She didn't want him getting killed because he didn't finish the job.
"Y-yes madam."
"Just called me (Y/N)." And with that she headed back towards her 'fresher.
     When she did finally crawl under the pile of blankets she normally slept in, due to the freezing cold temperatures that, for some reason, the ship was kept at, something kept clawing at her in the back of her mind. Something about the grandiose amount of blooms that now sat in her living room caused her to begrudgingly get up out of bed and make her way the her main room. She knew she missed a detail, because what she didn't notice was the exact same type of paper tied around each of the bundles of flowers.
"You have got to be kidding me."

Oh, The Things We Do for Love (Kylo Ren x Hux x reader insert)Where stories live. Discover now