Sick Day

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That night she got very little of sleep. All she could really think about was what the hell had happened those past few days. She laid there, staring at the ceiling, sorting through her thoughts. Eventually, she gave up trying to fall sleep, so (Y/N) got up and when to kitchen. She put some instant caff into the machine and let it brew. Grabbing a mug, she poured the finished product into the container and sipped at it. Then she went to the small living area her quarters provided, and sat down in front of the holoscreen. She flipped through various channels, mostly news and various sports, until she tuned into some old cartoons.
This will do
She snuggled close to the arm of her couch and lazily watched the screen. That was until she heard the faint beeping of her alarm from her bedroom, telling her to wake up. She moaned as she reluctantly got up to silence the damn thing. She stocked over to the beeping clock and slammed her palm onto the button, causing it to finally stop its insentient beeping. She then collapsed onto her bed, and soon fell back asleep.
She was awakened the feeling of fingers brushing through her hair. She let out a groan and weakly swatted at the hand. She heard a chuckle through the haze. (Y/N) opened her eyes to see the red headed general stroking her hair, looking down on her groggy form.
"What the hell!" She shot up into a sitting position, causing the general's gloved hand out of her hair.
"I was informed that you did not show up to your station today, (Y/N)."
She looked over to the clock that read that she was three hours late to her shift.
"Oh shit!" She darted up, only to be stopped by a pair of arms keeping her in place.
"Now, now, don't worry about this. I have excused you for the day."
(Y/N) looked up at him, confused. Hux turned his face towards the door leading into her living room.
"Ren! What the hell is taking you so long!"
Great, both of them were here
Door opened, revealing an unmasked Kylo Ren.
"What the hell are you two even doing here! I thought you said you would give me time!"
"We were worried!" Ren pitched in.
"Well, I'm doing just fine, thanks. Now would you please leave my quarters."
"Not until we're sure that you really are 'fine'."
"For the love of... Get out of there!" She got up and ran to the knight who was going through her laundry.
"What the hell are you doing!"
"Ren! Get out of her hamper!"
Kylo quickly shoved something in his robes and turned around.
The general gave a sigh.
"Anyway, you have been excused from your duties this cycle and I have called a medidroid to check your health."
"Hux." He corrected
(Y/N) rolled her eyes.
"Hux, thank you for your concern, but I'm really fine. Now could the both of you leave."
"We will leave, but the droid will still be ordered and have the results delivered to us."
"No! I don't need you looking at my health records!"
"It's public knowledge (Y/N). You signed the privacy agreement when you received your station."
"Doesn't mean I want you looking at it."
"I just want to make sure you are not ill." He went to stroke her hair. She dodged his hand before adding.
"Believe me sir, I am in perfect health."
Ignoring her statement, he turned to his other lover and said.
"Ren come here, we must be going."
Hux placed a kiss atop (Y/N) head before she could pull away. He then turned to Ren who had walked over to where the pair stood. (Y/N) looked at him with caution, not wanting him to touch her either, but Ren, being force sensitive, froze her in place and stroke her cheek with the back of his hand; before placing a kiss where the General had previously. He pulled away, and (Y/N) flinched away.
"I thought we agreed not to touch me."
"We never said anything of the sort." Hux answered.
"Just... don't touch me, please. It just doesn't make me feel comfortable."
"We will do no such thing to the being that holds Ren and my's affection."
"Please go away." She mumbled.
Ren and Hux exchanged looks before glancing down at (Y/N)'s defeated form.
"As you wish." Ren granted.
The general, however, was a little more stubborn about this, and refused to move when Ren began to walk away. He went over and tugged on Hux's wrist, pulling him out of her quarters.
      When she hear the doors open and shut, she let out a deep sigh and collapsed on top of her bed. She stared at the ceiling, thinking, for what seemed to be the hundredth time this week,
What the hell is happening?

Oh, The Things We Do for Love (Kylo Ren x Hux x reader insert)Where stories live. Discover now