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The roar echoed throughout the halls of The Finalizer. The knight tore the form in half and threw it to the ground as he reached for his light saber.
"Ren!" The general's voice warned, "for the love of God, don't you dare destroy my office."
They stared at each other, each one trying to establish dominance over the other.
"Anyway, that's besides the point, what our focus should be is keeping her here." The general continued.
"She seemed to have thought that she could get around us when it came to the papers." Kylo chirped.
The general nodded and motioned for the knight to follow him. He pushed the series to of button that opened the door and stepped out into the hallway.
"Where exactly are we going general." Kylo quickly put his helmet on and rushed to walk next to the ginger.
"To (Y/N)'s room of course."
Kylo's mask looked down at him, giving him a confused look from within, but said nothing as the duo made their way to her quarters.
     (Y/N) was packing her things, if everything got through with no problems, she should be cleared in a few hours. She had already gotten a place on The Executor and was looking forward to seeing her Dop again. She was humming quietly as she walked around her quarters, placing things neatly into various luggage bags, when she heard a knocking at her door. She was hoping that it was a droid or something of the sort, coming to tell her that her form had been approved. What she hadn't expected when she opened the door, were the reasons why she wanted to transfer.
"What the hell do you think you're doing." Hux yelled as soon as the door opened. (Y/N) quickly tried to close the door, but as it tried to go down, it froze in place, as did she. Ren came over and and casually waved a hand, making her unconscious, and before she hit the ground, picked  her up and carried her out of the room. He released his hold on the door as he stepped out and followed the general back to his office.
Softness beneath her was the first thing she felt. She snuggled in deeper and let out a content sigh.
It was just a dream after all
That's when she heard murmuring coming from her side.
She groggily opened one eye, and looked at the area that she could see. It took her a second, but her mind eventually woke up enough to realize that this wasn't her room.
She opened her other eye, and tried to listen in on what the two voices were talking about.
"What the hell are we suppose to do Hux?"
"I don't know! You were the one who made her pass out."
"Well, how would you suggest we got her here?"
There was some indistinguishable murmuring.
More undistinguishable murmuring.
Before he was able to say the next part, (Y/N) was already out of the bed, was in the living room, and was stealthily trying to make her way out. Both men's heads turned towards her, and she broke out in a sprint. But before she could get much further, she was suddenly frozen in place, by some unseen force. She tried wiggling out of the hold, only to find that she couldn't move a muscle.
"Now, now, darling, where do you think you're going?" Hux cooed.
"Let go of me! I've already told that I don't want anything to do with you."
"Now why would we do that?" Kylo piped in, completely ignored the last part.
Hux walked over and whispered something in Ren's ear. He looked over to him and nodded his head, and again, (Y/N) again was surrounded by darkness.
She woke up with a start, and found that she couldn't move. She was looking up at the ceiling, and two heads came into view. She squinted up and them, still waking up.
"Good morning sweetheart."
"Fuck off."
"Now, is that anyway to greet your commander?"
"It is if the fucking kidnapped me!"
"Calm down now darling, you're going to hurt yourself."
"Please let me go, I don't want any part of this." Tears were beginning to form in her eyes.
Hux shushed her as he stroked her cheek with his thumb.
"It's alright darling, were here."
"Please." She sobbed.
Kylo went to sit besides her, opposite of Hux and lightly stroked her hair. Kylo brought her up into a sitting position so that her head was under his neck and his arms wrapped around her, smothering her against his chest. She felt a weight lifting from the bed, and assumed that Hux had gotten up. The door opened, then closed, as Ren continued to stroke her hair and leaving feather-light kissed along her hairline. Hux came back, and she heard some clinking of metal as he set something down. She again felt a dip n the bed, and a hand bringing her head to face him. In his hand, was a glass of water, and what she could see behind him was a tray of food. Hux brought the water to her lips. Shaking her head no, she turned her head away.
"Nothing is wrong with the water, darling." He tried again, bringing the glass up to her lips. Ren, noticing Hux's dilemma, pinched her nose shut, forcing her to open her mouth, and Hux took he opportunity to pour the water into her mouth. When he lowered the glass, Ren let go of her face, causing her to cough and sputter the water that accidentally went down her windpipe.
"Now, are you going to let us feed you willingly, or do we have to force you?"
(Y/N) panted, catching her breath. "Fine." She seethed.
"Good girl"
Hux brought the tray and placed it on his lap. Then proceeded to cut a forkful or some sort of meat and raised to to her mouth. She reluctantly opened and accepted the morsel. This continued until the plate was empty. Hux placed the tray back onto the bedside table, stretched and got up, heading towards the 'fresher. Meanwhile, Kylo adjust himself and his captive so that he was resting against the headboard and she was in between his legs. He held her against his chest and nuzzled the top of her head. Hux returned nothing but a pair of sleep pants. Returning to the bed, they exchanged the girl from one to the other, and then Kylo took his turn going to the 'fresher. Knowing that Hux wouldn't have a sort of force hold on her, she used this to her advantage and struggled to get out of his grip. She then noticed that her limbs felt heavy and her attempts became weaker and weaker. She sighed and gave up, leaning her weight against his chest.
"Hush, darling. There's nothing you can do right now."
Tears again began to prickle in her eyes. Just in time, Kylo emerged from the 'fresher and returned to the bed. He got in bed, opposite of where Hux was, and laid down. Hux then lowered himself with (Y/N) in his hold, and adjusted her so that both men had their arms around her. Kylo reached over and gave a light kiss on Hux's lips and settled himself back on his side. He commanded the lights to go to turn completely off, and burrowed his face into his pillow. A few minutes later, snoring could be heard from the knight. Meanwhile, she also felt the general's arms go limp and his breathing evening out. (Y/N), however, was wide awake, still shocked at what had happened to her.

Oh, The Things We Do for Love (Kylo Ren x Hux x reader insert)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя