°XII- If we ever meet again°

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Updated again! Be happy!


Kiesha's POV 

>>2 weeks from now>>

 I looked around at my classroom, I'm going to miss this section. It's the second last day of school, The last hour of it, I finished my test already. I'm going out a day early, because I'm going to vist my cousins. I held onto the envelope. I sighed.

I have some of their numbers, but I'll still miss them. Their the most extraordinary class I've been in. A year to remember. A class to be glad of. A day to go through every since the start.

I looked at the clock...

5 more minutes...

 I passed my papers and sat on my chair, drawing stuff. My usual habit. I see my teacher, Ms. Galvez. Looking down at me with a smile, I smiled back. "I hope that you'll be safe and to enjoy your summer" she said. I was the artist in my class "Thank you, I hope all of you guys will too" I responded. She gave me a quick hug.

The last hour strikes.

 I sighed, I stuffed my bag of things as I left a envelope under on top of my desk. My classmates looked at me, they now I'm going already. Some people already with their bags. Many of them, gave me hugs, goodbyes, good lucks, miss you, or a remember us.

 "What's that envelope for?" Matthew asks, pointing at the envelope on my desk. "You'll see tomorrow" I tell him. He nodded. He wouldn't dare to try, or it wouldn't go well. As I was about to leave, I placed the envelope on my desk.

And left...


I talked to my some of my classmates as a waited for my ride...

"You'll remember us, right?" Desiree asks, worrying, Matthew snorted at Desiree, they hate each other, mostly Matthew. I sighed and smiled "Of course, the one and only 4-E..." I reassured her. "You guys are the most craziest, funniest, most creative classmates, I've ever had, and nothing can change that, as long as you guys are my grade 4 classmates" I added. 

 They looked at me with hope and happiness. It hurts that I won't see all of them, it's sad I know, but Ill always remember the crazy stuff we did. "I remember when we would decorate and help each other, in events, like Teachers' day, Christmas, almost everything..." I brought up. "And it wasn't an ordinary way, we did it in the 4E way..." I told them. They but nodded and smiled. We talked as we brought up Everthing this year, from the first day, until now.

I heard a sound from the back of the railing, I looked back to see my car, more like a limo, with my driver in it.

 I sighed and looked back at my classmates "If we ever meet again...?" I tell/ask them. "If we ever meet again..." They all say in unison. I smiled and stood up. I was about to leave when a remember something "Oh and there might be something on my desk tomorrow, I looked aback at them. They ere confused but nodded anyways. 

 I continued my walk, as a beard 'bye's and 'good luck's from behind. I'll always remember them. I got into my limo, and sat there as I we drove off. I took one last look at my class, and smiled. This was a crazy year...

I pulled out my phone, and looked through the pictures of me and my classmates. As I slid my finger on the screen, I listened to 'If we ever meet again' by Timbaland ft. Katy Perry.

I let time go, by going to photo after photo of my classmates...

>>Time Skip, cause I miss my classmates>>

 I felt a stop, I glanced over to my side, to see my house through the glass window. I grabbed my bag, and gripped on the door handle and push it. I step out to feel the grass poking my white socks, I'm in my school uniform, what do you expect?

I walked down the cobble path, as my mind swirled with memories of my school year. I opened the door, and got in.

 As I walked down the hallway, a maid came from beside me. "Hello Miss. how's you school day?" She asks, smiling. "It's good, I miss them..." I mumbled the last part. Her smile went to a frown "Oh, I see... do you want anything Miss?" She asks, trying to make me feel better. It worked "Sure, mabe some fries please... and just bring the ketchup bottle" I added, feeling better. She nodded and headed to the kitchen.

 I see my brother, Kev, walking up to me. "Hey there, sis, uh.. you ok?" He asks. God damn it, yes I'm fine, but I didn't say that (Hell his reading my book) "Yes, yes, I just miss them..." I tell him. He nodded "I understand, your class, huh?". I gave him a nod. "Huh, anyways, I'll see you later..." he says going to his room. I sighed and continued.

 I opened my room's door, and went inside. I laid my bag on the floor. Huh, it's clean, dad must've gave them a task to clean the house. 

 I shook off that thought for now, and look over my shelves of books called 'classes memories,  that I had from the start when I started pre-school. There only photos, so I get irritated to remember their  names when I see their faces. But this grade 4 class, I will always remember. Their a one of a kind of class. I took a book, it had a dark green cover and a silver design of birds and flowers.

Page by page,

Memory to Memory,

event after event.

Every classmate to remember. Every moment to cherish. Everything that I would hold up to.

 After the last page. A pressed the book on my chest. Having tears on the end of my eyes, and a smile on my face. I'm happy to meet them, they were my friends. The first people, to greet you on your way to school.

 Their my family, their like brothers and sisters. They could be crazy and weird. Maybe annoying and noisy. But their creative, funny, active and everything else. They are not the same, but they are my, classmates, my second family, my second home. 

I know it's cliche but it's true,

...Thank you guys for being the best class, I ever had.

-------The letters in the envelope-------

Dear, 4E

   Hey! How are you guys? Anyways, I wrote this a day before I left, you already know that I'm going to visit my cousins. This is my first time, giving this to my class, why? You ask? Because your a special class to me, a family, a second home. All I wanted to say is... thank you guys, for being a great class. I hope that you'll be great still until the end of time, I have a few things to say to... Destine, sleep more early ok? Matthew and Desiree, Please don't fight over or hate each other, you know I hate that, and last but not least, thank you for everthing guys, all of you! I have another paper in the envelope filled with some drawings. That's all, and remember...


          Your great artist friend,


-the other letter is drawings, I'm sorry, I can't show you-


Thank you guys, for reading. I actually really miss them, and this is really true. I hope you enjoy the chapter! And I'll see you guys soon! Bye!


(DISCONTINUED) Through the ages 'till the end// a book that will end when I dieHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin