Magical Cat

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Dipper POV

I've been searching for this Magic cat. Ford said to find cause he wants to study it and make sure the town is safe. The towns folk know about the deal with Ford and Mayor Louis did. The deal was for Ford to study the paranormal with help from Mabel and I. I am still walking, and nothing has happen. I'm giving up. I turned around and saw something. Something so bright and Pink, I thought it was the Pink Panther. It was a cat, it was pink with specks of blue and purple. The cat was kinda galaxy looking but mostly Pink. It was the cat I was looking for. The cat looked at me "What do you want?" the cat asked in sass. The cats voice was so bratty. The cat sounded like Pacifica. I grabbed my tranquilizing gun and shot it. I picked it up and left.

*"Mulani, Truesws, Soeda Vilay!!"*
*3 hours later*
I am studying the cat. It never woke up. I think it's dead. I told ford that it could talk. He said he already knew that. Mabel came back a few minutes ago and had a crazed smile on her face. "Dipper you can go now. I can handle it from here now"He said. I walked out of the basement and went yo My and Mabel's room. I oppebd the door and Mabel was texting to some boy.
"What happened at the mall? Your all over YouTube." I asked/told her. She looked at me "Pacifica was talking shit so I beat her ass." she told me. I nodded and went to take a shower.

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