My New Besties

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Mabel POV

After reading the new journal, I wanted to clear my mind. Dipper and Pacifica just wouldn't work. He's a nerd, she's a bitch. They aren't in the same category. I walked towards the mall to get some new clothes. 


I walked into SLUTS ACADEMY( Made up store) and got booty shorts, thongs, tight shirts, crop-tops, mini skirts, high heels, and bras. I was about to grab this ring, but some girl grabbed it to. " Wanna fight for it?" I asked, smugly. " Sure doll." She said. I took out my earrings and  waited for her. She chuckled and said" Nah, i'm just fucking with ya. My names Jessica, you have fire girl. Do you wanna hang out with me and my friends?" she asked. " Fuck it." i said putting my earrings back on. I walked out the store with Jessica towards the cafe. " Sup bitches( She Black), this here is," she paused waiting for me to tell her my name. "Mabel." "Mabel, this here is Samantha, Kristen, Angela, Starrkiesha, Watermalondrea, and my twin sister Juliet." I said hey and then went towards the hair salon. 

Jessica: Black, has brown eyes, pink hair that stops at her middle back. Shes 5'7 and has a nose piercing. Older twin of Juliet. Last name Starling. Shape- shiftier. 16

Juliet: Black, has brown eyes, blonde hair that stops at waist. She 5'8 and has a tattoo on her waist.  Shape-shiftier.    16

Samantha: White, green eyes, black short hair. She is 5'1 and is  a vampire. Last name  jones. 14

Kristen Bells: mixed(Black and white) red head, has blue eyes. She is 17 and has a star on her cheek. Kristen has 2 kids. Her son is 5( had him at age of 12.)  His name is Ken. The daddy of the boy name is Jermaine.  She has a daughter named Casey. The daddy name of her is Chad. Kristen is a siren.

Angela Fling: has white cat ears(Neko), soft brown hair that stops at her shoulder. She has brown eyes and tha age of 15. She is the nicest of the group. she has a youtube channel called Fiona ASMR.  She is Asian and will kick ya ass if you hurt her friends.

Starrkiesha Williams:  black, has blue hair, 16 years old, and is a dream demon. Starr. has a brother named b-b. 

Watermalondrea: Black, has blonde hair, 17, and is a gorgon. She has a purple scaly tail.

While giving you information on my friends I got my hair done. My hair is still brown, but has purple and pink hair in ombre style.( AKA It's faded.) I told my friends I had to go home because Grunkle Stan said it was "URGENT". I walked into the old ass shack and saw Dipper talking to Ford. "Okay so whats so urgent that I need to leave my girls?" I asked,  while rolling my eyes. " Mabel.......... Me and Ford are leaving for a..... retirement home." Grunkle Stan said, while stopping from his poor lunges. I looked at him with some tears threatening to spill. "No.... Not my favorite Grunkle. Isn't there any spell we could use?" I asked. "Not unless we find that cat and get back to normal." he said. "Don't worry, me, Mabel, and Pacifica will find it." Dipper promised. " Why dat bitch? I rather fuck human Bill."  I snarled and went to the kitchen to get a beer.  " Can you stop being a BITCH???!!!!!!" Dipper shouted. "Sure,  when you find a girl to take your virginity." I said with a smirked on my face.

thats enough fo today, Bye bitches.         

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