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Hi, my reason for my username is my mom calls me  Allie Kat all of the time and 7 is my lucky number, also AllieKat777 was already taken?? But you know whatever! :) so music will be at the top if you want to listen I'll also will always be putting the name of said song by whatever artist it is. If you want me to play a specific song comment below for any chapter anytime. ok? My updating times will be around 4:00 pm to 12:00 am at the latest. this is in eastern daylight time right now and I'm going into summer break, which the times might change to 12:00pm - 2:00pm. I'm in school so yeah. I have the rest of this year then 5 more years of grade school til I have to clue how many years in college... I don't happen to like school very much. I'd rather be writing for you guys then homework. :) There is profanity in this, So you guys want to hear some of the story now? You now I might wait a while actually, you know leave you guys begging for it... Kidding here it is...


"No! Stop leave him alone!" I'm screaming at the bullies you are messing with my brother "STOP IT" I'm crying by now pulling on their arms trying to stop them from hurting my brother, my savior, my twin. We'er only 12. He didn't do anything wrong so why are they hurting him? He could have wiped the floor with their asses, so why isn't he? All of the sudden my brother surges up, I don't know why, until I see my leg, one of the bullies must have shoved me on the ground, My brother punch right, left, kicks one and breaks the arm of another until their all on the ground, each one of them clutching their injuries. I look down at my leg again, it's black and blue, bleeding, and I can see a bit of my bone sticking out. "owww" I whine. My brother picks my up bridal style and carries me out of the graveyard we were just in and to the hospital which is next door. I find that ironic that the hospital which was meant to be a place of recovery was built right next to a cemetery which is a place for well I'll be blunt dead people. He carries me in and all of the sudden darkness starts swimming across my vision. Nooo I say in my head don't fall unconscious now... what about my brother?! I stay awake just long enough to here shouting and see a person with a white mask on, and a syringe enter my arm filled with a clear liquid. Morphine, no no no no no. Don't put it in me, no no no no, I say as nightmares comeback, swamping my head until I fall unconscious, prey to my nightmares and memories, My abusive dad, my drunk mom, my little sister's still body surrounded by a huge pool of blood,  memorys of getting the scars that mark my body from years of abuse, until social services came and saw the pain and torture my twin and I went through, after 7 years of it I didn't know anything else, and for a 9 year old being taken away from her only home even if it was a bad one, hurts. The social services crew tried to separate my brother and I, send us to different homes, it turned me crazy and my brother into a protective demon. We finally found a home who take both of us and have been there for 3 years, my new mom is so kind and sweet, and my dad is the same way, neither of them have a temper, except now, I wake up to see anger on my dad's face. I immediately get scared and try to call for my brother only to see him in the same bed as my laying down, eyes open watching me, and calm, I immediately curl towards him, towards the only thing that matters in my life. Then I realize, dad isn't mad at me. he's mad at the people who did this to me. I also notice that my leg is in a huge cast that's practically covering my entire leg, from my ankle to the middle of my thigh. It hurts, but i'll survive I've been through pain. "where's mommy" I ask my voice rough from un-use and need of water. My brother hands me a cup of water and tells me 

"At the police station"


"they caught the people who did this to you and mom 'accidentally' smacked one, hard, her words were exactly 'the air is slippery'" I can't help it, I start laughing to hard I double over in pain, my ribs must be broken too, along with my leg. 

"Great just great" I mutter under my breath. My brother barks out a harsh laugh, he heard me. My mom is like a teenager when angry, my dad like a demon, and my brother like a demonic monster from hell. Me on the other hand is worse then them all combined, I turn into a insane, demonic bitch that scares people. I have dirty blonde hair,  dark gray eyes, and pale skin. My hair reaches to just below my breast, and my eyes (so I've been told that is) are the color of a dark ocean. My skin is like snow mixed with a very small amount of peach. My friends are always picking on me because of it.

So, how do you think of my story so far? good, bad? comment below! BTW I'm not worried about haters because I can just delete your comment, I think... :) please give me feed back!

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