The Hell Hole More Commonly Known as School

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Good time by Owl City and Carly Rae Jepson

954 words (aaahhh almost at 1,000 words!! so happy)

I got dressed before I went to my first day of school... My new school that is. As I drove to school in my 1965 neon green Nova (It has custom paint!) I got these stares like I grew horns or something. I pulled in the parking lot and guess who I saw! My Bff when I was in 4th grade! I had forgotten that she moved here 8 years ago! I missed her so so much. "Oof" I said as she tackled me. " OMG!" She screached. "Evelina! You came to save me!". "Sorry to disappoint you, Sunshine." I told her. (Her real name is Summer but she always wanted people to call her Sunshine or Sunny.)She scowled at me. "Why are you here then?" She asked. "My dad made me come here to make more money" I told her. "Oh, What about your mom? Couldn't she take care of you?" She said. I got a lump in my throat that refused to move. "She passed away 2 months ago. She got in a plane wreck" I said as tears threatened to come. " Oh, no!" She cried, She was the only one who knew how close I was to my mother. "Snowflake! You poor thing! Are you alright?" (she knew that if she called me Snowflake I would start laughing, she really is too good!) " Ha ha ha ha ha!" I laughed "Snowflake really? You haven't called me that since we were 6!" I said. "I know" she commented "I also know that you are too stubborn for your own good!" I took a swing at her. She ducked just in time then tackled me. "Ahhh!" I screamed as I went down.

We started punching and tackling each other until the bell rang, But by then our hair was a royal mess and our clothing was disheveled. "Lets go clean up in the bathroom before we go to class that way when we walk in we will be the stars of our class." I told her. We both started howling with laughter when we walked tin the bathroom and checked ourselves in the mirror. There would be no fixing our hair no matter what we did so we just walked into class looking like really poor hobos! Everyone in our classes started to laugh and the teacher had a wistful smile on her face, as she tried (and failed!) to calm the class down. The bell rang so today the only thing I was taught was that I should never play football, because it would only lead to me being paler than normal, making my hair a mess, and making a teacher mad. My brother just cracks a smile. I have ever single class with him.

As I headed over to Ela (the only class I DON'T have with Sunshine.) I saw a group of boys that looked like criminals. Proof: three of them had house arrest anklets on and two more had handcuffs on with the chains that connect them cut down the middle. I stopped dead in my tracks... There was the guy who was outside my window last night! He has black hair and a light tan skin, I stopped noticing his other features when I saw his eyes... they were the palest blue I have ever seen! Then and there I decided was my new favorite color. He was so cute! He was standing with his hands crossed over his chest as he argued with a tall buff blond guy. I started walking by then because I heard the tardy bell ring. After Ela I had lunch where Sunshine would introduce me to her new friends.

As I sat down next down Sunshine I saw that a girl was trying to fix her Sunny's hair. "Stop touching my hair!" Sunny told the girl. The girl had black hair, green eyes, and really pale skin, like a corpse's. "But it's a mess!" the other girl screeched. I know it is. That's the point." Sunny told her. "I want to match my Evelina. Here she is now!" Sunny said as she motioned me to sit next to her. " Sup people" I said as I sat down. "Evelina this is Rachel." she said motioning to the girl who was just messing with Sunshine's hair. "Hi" Rachel said. "Hi" I said back. "Hey Sunny.Who are those guys over there?" I asked her. "Those are the bad/buff/hot guys here. I used to date that one over there next to the blue eyed/black haired douchebag." She replied. She was motioning to the buff blond I saw earlier, who was talking to "douchebag" earlier."What is the guy's name? The one next to your ex." I ask Sunny.

"Kieran. Why, do you like him?" she responds


"You sure?"



"100% Positive"

"Don't lie to me" She says as she shouts "You totally like Kieran "and points at him

"who?" My twin innocently asks. He swoops his light brown hair back to reveal his silver eyes.

"No one Evgeni" I tell my twin brother

"KIERAN" Summer shouts at the top of her lungs

"He definitely can't hear you." I mumble under my breath as I turn bright red, Evgeni starts glaring at Kieran. I glance over at Kieran and he's just staring at me with cold eyes but when I meet them with mine he turns into a little boy who lost his parents too young. His eyes widen just for a second then his compromise is regain and he's stoic again. This time though there's a flame... and I'm not sure I like it.

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