Crappy Moving

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Wake me up by Avicii

410 words

"Why did we have to move??" Evelina Cardinal asked her dad. She was so mad at her dad. (She was forced to move all the way from Perrysburg, Ohio to Essex, Vermont so her dad could build more stupid homes. She. Hated. It. She lost her Bff by 1,000 Veronica, but to make up for it a little her dad bought her a blue IPod 9.) "Because" Her dad says. " I was not making enough money in Perrysburg."Right that was the reason why they moved. It was totally not because they needed more money.

"and" her twin butted in "Because we weren't making enough money to pay rent... right dad? I mean that's what you told me"  Evelina rolled her eyes. As they pulled in the driveway of their new home. It had 20 rooms, and the entire top level was her room the second to last level was her brother's, the second level was her dad's and the first was for guests and others. Which meant there was 4 master bedrooms complete with master bathrooms one the top 3 and a full kitchen with a huge dining room. Her bedroom has the largest. It a walk-in-closet with a king size bed with neon green and black Aztec patterned sheets and comforter. She despised it. It smelled like , ick, pollution, but her dad probably loved it.

"Sometimes my dad drives me crazy" Evelina said to Veronica on the phone.

"Girl I know that. duh why do you think I am still here??" Veronica says "you need me here unless you would be cray cray by now and you know that."

"I know. Anyway I have to go unpack, talk to you soon" As Evelina was unpacking she felt a cold breeze and realized her bedroom window was open. huh she thought. that's weird. she went to close it but saw a shadow and paused. She squinted to see who or what it was and saw it was a boy. A handsome boy with black hair and skin so pale it was almost like snow, but the most curious thing was his eyes... they were a Icy blue, so blue they seemed to be white. He was little freaky Evelina decided. Was he watching her?! All of the sudden he disappeared. "Knock it of Evelina" she whispered to herself, "There was not a boy standing outside of my window with creepy *cough* Gorgeous *cough* blue eyes."

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