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Time went by in a snap of a finger and here she was, enjoying her holiday on a Monday because they had their sports final the day before yesterday which was a saturday, and thank god, no one was at home so she could do whatever she wanted, the house was hers for approximately  eight hours.

Just then a loud ping that erupted from her phone disturbed her short reverie.

You got a new message on Kakao Talk
Swipe to unlock

"New message? I haven't had that in years" she joked, of course, she and her other six friends were constantly in touch with each other. Coming online more regularly than needed to see if their friend who recently moved to overseas was doing fine or not.

She unlocked her phone and checked the message.


You like jungkook?


Duh, doesn't my username explain everything?


But there are like 2000+ jungkooks in the world


Name one who is hot,cute,adorable,dorky,kind,well-mannered,talented all at the same time.


Jeon Jungkook


There are like 2000+ jeon jungkooks around the world


dont use my line on me >:(


Too bad i just did 



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