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"DAD!!" A sharp pitched voice filled the room and Jimin rushed to his boy still wearing the Hulk suit.

"Yes ma boi?" He said as he looked at Minso with small eyes.

"DAD! Minso fell down!" Somin said as she pointed at her twin brothers knees. Both of the siblings were kneeling down looking at the wound.

Jimin looked at Minso's expression, he looked like his face was going to combust because he was holding his tears back to not cry infront of his sister.

"Somin, go to Mama, i'll take care of Minso, okay?" Somin nodded and went to Mama Hyejin.

"Minso, its okay to cry" minso bursted out in tears and hugged his Dad tightly.

Jimin treated his sons wound and the four ; Hyejin, 6 year-old Somin and Minso, and Jimin walked to the Isolated Amusement park, but od course, Jimin took off his Hulk Suit which he received from Jungkook as a gift.

"Where are couples now" Hyejin said and the three shrugged.

"Minso, somin, don't copy your father, he is a total wackass" she said and Jimin hit his wife lightly on the shoulder, "dont swear!" All of them laughed when they were surprised with a loud family coming from the other side if the park.

"No no, Its wolwol because it works perfectly. Dont you see the wall says wol and the other wall says wol so its wolwol" a female voice said and the other deep voice said, "no, saying 'we'll meet at the corner also works.'!"

"Whatever floats your boat then"

"Kenneth! Tae! OVER HEREEEEE" Hyejin shouted and Kenneth 'naruto-ran' to Hyejin and hit her head.

"Ow what'd i do?"

"You sweared infront of these cutiepies" she said and Hyejin scoffed.

"Heh, talk for yourself"

"I dont have children okay,!" She cried and they laughed.

While taehyung and Jimin had a brotherly reunion.

Soon after they were joined by Lyla and Jin.
They were already married,long before the birth if the two twins.

Veronica had returned to SK and started going out with Hoseok, they also joined the reunion. They havent married or engaged yet.

Alex and Yoongi came afterwards holding layers and layers of cake.

Namjoon and Chiaki headed over to the area with a box of cookies. Homemade of course. They had just returned from the wedding of Chiaki's cousin brother with a girl called Ahyeon or something.

All of them waited for the two couples who would be arriving sooner or later.

"SAFEEE" a high pitched voice said, they were all unfamiliar to it despite hearing it for one or two times.

"Wonyoung! Dont speak, its not good right now" Jungkook scolded Wonyoung and she pouted. Wonyoung just recently had a throat surgery and got hearing aids to help her speak and hear. But her throat was still weak, especially her vocal chords and the doctor told her to not speak that much but the restless girl wouldn't stop shouting and speaking which made Jungkook worried that she might feel the pain of the surgery afterwards.

"C'mon lets go" Jungkook dragged her to the park where the carpet was laid,waiting for the arrival of the two drama-couple who still didn't graduate high school.

"To our third friendship anniversary!" 

"its actually my 12th anniversary with namjoon. i've been with namjoon since i was a kid-"



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