chapter 1

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Today I made a Know No One account. It had asked for the basic info like birthday, age, gender, and the such. When it came to name it didn't ask for that.
'I guess that's why the call it Know No One' I thought to myself.
When it came to my username. I had put on a username that I never use but always liked because I do. I chose (u/n). It's funny how it's format reminds me of Google+. I decided to post and let myself be known... kinda.
(U/N): Hi I'm (u/n). I just want to know if anyone would like to talk. I like meeting people so hit me up ok?
I hit the post icon and waited. I felt my phone Buzz after two or three minutes.
'That didn't take long. I wonder who'd be on? Seeing how I live in Ireland.'
I looked at the notification on KNO. 'Crazy green boy has massaged you.' I clicked on the notification and it took me to the message.
Crazy green boy: Hi! Do you like video games?

(U/N): Hi. Yeah I do but I um I actually like watching people play games.

Crazy green boy: Really? How come? Also do you like anime?

(U/N): Yeah. I kinda just grew up like that but I'm kinda getting into playing. Yea I love anime!

Crazy green boy: That's awesome! If you want I can give you a list of some. Btw what game is it?

(U/N): Wow you must really love games. I'm interested in One Shot. By what I've heard it breaks the 4th wall. So I want to give it a try

Crazy green boy: Amazing! For someone who doesn't play games it definitely sound you know how to talk about them.

(U/N): We should play a game! You give me a game tittle and I try to make it seem like I know what I'm saying

Crazy green boy: That sounds like fun. Ok, ok. Prop Hunt

(U/N): Prop Hunt is a multiplayer game. Where you and your friend(s) either go be a prop or be the hunter in which you kill the prop aka you friend

Crazy green boy: That is spot on! Hahaha Happy wheels.

(U/N): A game where play as different characters and try to reach the end still becoming frustrated by some levels created by the users.
Aw shoot I gtg talk to you later?

Crazy green boy: yea no worries

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