Chapter 6

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Jack' s pov

I left (Y/N)'s room after she fell asleep. I quickly became aware I had almost nothing to do. Eventually I decide just to go and reply to comments and posts.

Sigh I said,"Well not really much else for me to do... I could watch T.V."

I picked up the remote and began flicking through the channels. I eventually found my way onto Cartoon Network. I looks at the T.V. guide and to my horror it was all just Teen Titans Go. I got up and walked around her apartment. Finding she had little knick knacks all over. Little figurines and buttons. I even found art supplies.

Huh artistic for sure?' I smiled thinking to myself.

I couldn't help myself when wondering around I stumbled upon her art room. It was messy but relatively neat. I started walk I around, cared to not ruin anything. She's quite the girl. She's rather trusting too... I kept looking around till I found some fan art of Rick and Morty.
"(Y/N)'s into it too." I whisper to myself. I kept looking around till I found a bathroom in the corner.
"Was this originally the master bedroom?"
"Yea but I love how much space it has for art.", (Y/N) stuttered a bit. Still looking bad like she just came back from throwing up.
"You ok?"
"Yea... I just don't like being in bed a lot."
I smiled. (Y/N) is a beautiful lady. I find quite surprising that she's still single.
"I think I'll head out to buy somethings..."
"You sure? You might get really sick or make it worse." I said thinking aloud.
"I'll be fine...maybe?"
"Should I come?" I say confused on why she'd want to leave.
'Maybe she needs period stuff or meds.'
"I think so...yea", (Y/N) smiled, still trying to get her bearings together.

Time skip cause wubba lubba dub dub

We got to the store after finally convincing her to let me drive.
"I'll be in the medicine aisle if you need me..."
"Hm. Ok!" I say grinning. She laughed a little and left. She didn't laugh a cute girl laugh, she just laughed. I like that laughter. The one that isn't trying to be cute.
I started looking around, finding something here and there I like.
"Need any help today si- OMG YOURE JACKSEPTICYE!" The fan sqeualed. I smiled at him. He was wearing some merch.
"Top of the mornin' to ya' ladder."
"Its so amazing! I never thought I'd ever meet you!"
"Maybe you would have one day." I say laughing a bit.
"A picture please?"
"Of course!" I smiled. I love running into fans. I owe them so much.
"Well I better get back to work."
"You're doing good!" I say walking away

Wubba lubba dub dub

(Y/N) pov

When I saw him it was too late to run away... James already saw me and he came sprinting towards me.
"Come back babe, please. I swear I've changed! I love you! I really mean it. I-It wasn't my fault anyways you made me say all those things. I just wanted to help you get fit.", he said holding onto my wrist. My other holding the basket of needs.
"I'm sorry... please leave me alone. I wanna be with someone who doesn't say I love you without meaning matter the reason..." I stuttered, cursing at myself for being so weak. I couldn't meet his eyes.
"Just come back home, (Nickna-"
"Hey, (Y/N)! You ready? You look worse than this morning. I really should get you back in bed." Jack smiled holding onto my arm in a protective manner. All I could do is look up at him. We started walking away when James suddenly yanked me back.
"You're coming home now."he said, scaring me.
"Yes sir, James..." I'm worthless. I always give in.
"Hey! Woah no! (Y/N) isn't an item or a child! She is a woman of creativity, kindness, and is worth nothing more than the utmost respect." Jack said, face red with anger. I just hung my head.
"Why's that, Jack?"
"It's what you deserve. You've shown me that before on and offline."
"Those are different entities, Jack... Different people..." I kept saying hanging my head in shame," I'm a disappointment and a failure. I couldn't make my my ex-boyfriend happy. It's always my priority to someone happy and if I can't make him happy then who?"
I stared up at James and smiles back at me. I got up bending over to pick up the basket I dropped. I have to back with James. I can make him happy. I'll cook and clean and do the laundry. It'll be ok...
"I wish you could see the pathetic, worthless shit you are." James whispered into my ear. I couldn't say a word but when James let go I ran behind Jack. I was scared. I wanted comfort more than anything.
"It's ok dear. I'll get you home." I clung onto Jack's hoodie. We left him behind. Jack's arm around me protectively. He walked me to the self-checkout. We didn't say a word. I didn't want to say anything I wanted to forget it all about this experience.
"Are you alright?" Jack asked finally breaking the silence. I nodded but I guess my face says different.
"Don't believe him or a word he says. You're perfect if anything thing else."
I wanted to smile at Jack but I couldn't instead I let loose a bottle of emotions at once.
"But he's right. I'm worthless. Fat. Unwanted. I'm a ugly worthless piece of shit who's only chance at life is setting shop in someone else's life. Animator? Who am I kidding! I can't draw the same figure twice! What the hell am I to do? Everything about this world is competitive. The world just to survive and make a dime you have to be competitive. I have to be skinny to be pretty but it doesn't even stop there? I'm too submissive to be anywhere close to pretty. I'm too worthless to even dese-"
"I love you."

Sorry for the flip out... I just I get so scared that people will stop because I suck at writing....a lot. I'm glad you all enjoy it.

Thank you

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