Chapter 5

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(Jacks pov)

I didn't think I'd run into her again.
"I-I'll be right back, so um make yourself at home. I think I have some cookies somewhere in the cabinets." (Y/N) said, stuttering a bit and looking a bit red-faced.
"Yea of course thanks you." I smiled at her and I think maybe she blushed but maybe the sickness. She disappeared into her room. I kept fidgeting around with my hands.
Oooh yea I almost forgot! Hot chocolate!!
I began to find a pot and kept looking for some hot chocolate mix. Eventually I did.
"Sorry probably should have said something about where everything is.....sorry..." (Y/N) stuttered out. She looked awful like she was dead inside awful. Such an odd odd thing to think about.
"No worries anyways here." I smiled at her.
"You're really nice... thank you so much" (Y/N) stuttered out again her voice trembling. She looked so tired.
"Why not lay down for a bit?"
"Mh-hm, yes please" she said walking off to her room. I followed awkwardly but I could tell she was already very unsure of the situation.

Your pov
Why is so nice?
"Thank you so much..." I said with my unfortunate stuttering of nervousness. It's not fair that it's me taking time out of his life. He might have- No shut up
"If you need anything just shout I guess?" Sèan smiled softly but awkwardly. I laughed airly. 
"Are you sure your ok? Should get you to a doctor?"
That- those words scared me enough to make me stumble to the bathroom.
I went back to vomiting.
When I was finished I shook my head.
"I'm fine if it gets any worse then yea we should"
He smiled and nodded his head.
It made me smile. It was almost child-like to be honest. I always wanted to be a teacher. Always working with children.
"Hey Jack?"
"What do you do for work?"
"I make and edit videos"
"I wanna work with animation and be a teacher."
"Yea... children are so innocent they deserve to be taken care of."
"You're a really sweet girl, ya'know?"
I smiled as best I could without feeling self-conscious.
Thank God I changed. My fat just everywhere and on display.
"Why an animator?"
"Just something fun and amazing I'd like to do. It's always been so fascinating to me"
"You should go for it!"
I hugged him for a second, catching him off guard. I quickly released.
"Thank you! No one wants me to go for degrees like that. Everyone says I'd be better of a barista."
"Nah they just jealous."
I smiled one last time before falling asleep.

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