You and Roc What?

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(ON The Bus) 

Bre's POV

I sat in my seat i got a queasy feeling in my stomach... i couldn't keep these feeling so i turned to the one person i could trust. I somewhat leaped from my seat to hers 

- Ayanna can i talk to you for a minuet. 

 She bent her legs in taking her headphones off

- Yes 

she said as if she had been sleep. 

- Roc and i did something last night and i need someone to talk to. 

She quickly popped up 

- Tell me ...tell me everything and dont leave anything out.

 in the back of my mind i thought wrong choice of words but i trusted her so i whispered in her ear. 

- So he stopped by last night and i told him that i couldnt go out. But i knew i wanted to hang with him that night or whatever so i told him we could hang in my little brothers tree house (gco) 

- You mean that huge thing sitting in your front yard, because thats not a tree house.

i gave her a funny face

- Yes it is

she looked at me like i was crazy

- well when people think your tree house should be on cribs that means its a big deal. 

i looked at her as if i was confused. She started to talk but i just cut her off and started telling her the story

- So he parked his car in the old mans drive way about a few houses down. So were were up in the tree house having our daily conversations. You know simple flirting leading to one of his idiotic jokes to simple kissing

She shook her head say go on letting me know she was paying attention. 

- But the only problem is this time it wasnt just kiss. well it started that way but the kissing let to striping and striping let to ... well you know. (gco) 

- you didnt do what i think you did 

she said.. i didnt respond 

- You didnt do what i think you did

she repeated, I looked around the bus. giving her a half smile 

-Bre... oh my gosh 

i gave her a long face 

- Look im sorry i didnt know it was going to happen 

she looked at me this time as if she was confused. 

- Im not mad. Yes i do think you should have waited but im not mad at you for it its your live you do what you want to with it. But the thing i want to know it did you use protection.

I turned no long looking at her. She placed her hand on my shoulder 

- Did you use protection? 

she repeated in a hush tone. I didnt turn around looking back at her but i did shake my head no. she slowly moved her hand 

- did your mom teach you about the birds and the bee

she asked. 

- you do realize you could get pregnant right. 

i turned around looking at her. 

- thats what im scared of. I know i shouldn't have done it with out but i wanted to take a chance cause who know if i will get to again.But that part of 'being inside' if you know what i mean didnt last to long. 

- Was it bad? 

she asked with a worried look on her face. 

- No that part was the best but my dad came. 

Her eyes widened 

- Please tell me your dad didnt see anything 

i shook my head no 

- Are you crazy he doesnt even know and the day he finds out is the day i die

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