I'll Cheat For You

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RECAP:  Charsity and Roc are laying in the bed striping each other..... prince is with his mistress ... the girls (Ayanna, Leah, Bre, and Natasha) on on their way to texas. Prod is texting leah telling her to break up with prince and he'll leave natasha while natasha is talking to diggy and diggy is really trying hard to win her heart. Bre has confided in ayanna to tell her that she has had sexual content with roc and they DIDNT use protection and she is afraid that she might be pregnant 

Leah and Prod 

Prodigy's POV: 

I layed back in my bed with one of my hands resting behind my head leaning back on the head board. I didnt care it was  in the morning i just needed time to talk to Leah without having to worry about natasha  leaning over my shoulder reading my text messages. 

- Baby we cant keep sneaking like this i wanna claim you as my own. dont get me wrong i love natasha but your the one i wanna be with 

i sent that and i wasnt to nervous about it. I knew i wanted her so i had to tell her.  I got the notification that it had been along message i let it download then began to read 

(1/3) Prodigy look. im not sure how to say this but i love prince. He means so much to me and if i didnt have him i wouldnt have met you and right now im not to sure about  me leaving him. Hes one of the best things thats ever happened to me so what should i do now? i mean i love you and i want you too!!! i just can have my mind made up so quickly on something im not even for sure for sure about. 

(2/3) you know what i need to ask you something and i truly want you to be honest with me okay. here it goes " If i was your girl and we were together would you cheat on me with natasha... cause that is someone i truly dislike but no matter how much i dislike her i wouldnt stand to not see her somewhat happy and thats what scares me about us because if i get you then i loose you what am i suppose to do the i mean you have been 

(3/3) there for me like NOBODY ELSE not even my mom. I remember you holding me late nights when i cried about my dad dying. and when you use to beat up timmy for teasing me. And the main reason i cant get you out of my head is thoes eyes that smile your body but the most attractive thing about you is your heart. How You can keep it real with me and be there for me no matter what shxt happens your there and thats alot to me 

I felt me heart skip a beat. I knew she loved me or atleast i think she does. She sends me the sweet text messages the heart felt things but i had to answer her question to keep it 100 with her because i love her 

- I know that us messing around has it in your head but if it was me and you it would just be me and you. If we fight im not cheating im trying to work it out. Im not going behind your back to your friends im trusting you

i'll let you check my phone when you want too I'll let you keep it for a day if i you would want too. And you know im always gonna keep it real with you and no matter what im there for you. because REAL relationships go through shxt but our relationship will last through it. 

Leah's POV: 

I sat on the bus  with my head against the windowm. Prodigy is so sweet. He makes me blush keeps me laughing and i always feel safe in his arms but i dont feel that way about prince all the time. He always  want something but im not sure if i ready to give it up. i got his text messages about relations. I smiled hard as i felt lisa push on my leg 

- what are you so happy about 

she said with a grin on her face. I pulled my leg up shaking my head 

- Nothing noisy 

i chucked as my cheeks were rosy  red. she rolled her eyes shrugging her shoulders saying whatever turning around into in her seat. I put my jacket hood on covering up my face to hide the redness

Diggy's POV: 

I was on my tour bus laying down in my bunk texting Natasha. I have a feeling prodigy aint keeping it 100 so whyis she? I love her i want her and i need her like now and all prodigy is doing is getting in the way. I  texted her back again 

- Natasha im sorry im probably just getting  your head all mixed up. Now i feel dumb A'F i should have realized your prods and just left you alone im sorry i'll let you go. Good Luck at your game. 

i took a deep breath pushing send. i waited about a minuet or two getting a text back 

-Dont Be... Dont be sorry. Diggy your dumb and dont feel that way. and your not getting my head mixed up. And dont let me go ... EVER 

i didnt think i typed and sent 

- I love you 

my heart skipped beats as i waited for a response back 

- I love you too baby <3 

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