chapter two

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" they laugh at difference not realizing difference is what makes us unique "


I pulled my thigh-high black socks up my legs, attaching them to a black garter so they'd stay up. A cropped, white long sleeved shirt revealed only a small sliver of my somach, and a matte lipstick that was the shade of blood covered my lips.

I puckered them and then smiled as I looked in the mirror, grabbing a black leather backpack and slinging it over my shoulder. I began walking towards the front door and I heard my parents arguing.

"Your son is old enough to start working-"

"He is sixteen! I can't even trust him to take the trash out!"

I rolled my eyes and then slammed the door shut on my way out, letting them know I left without actually talking.

Fuck them.

I looked around the neighboring houses, hoping not to see someone, but I did. I immediately found my new neighbor leaving his own house, keys in his hand and dressed in all black.

He didn't look half bad actually. I liked the look, a little too much perhaps, but that's a matter of opinion.

"Where you going?" I found myself speaking up, and he looked over almost instantly.

"The shops for some more furniture. Some of mine got lost on the way." He answered me as I stepped away from my house. "You?"


"The only school I saw on the way was about four miles away. Need a ride?" He asked me, crossing his arms over his chest.

"I don't even know your name." I retorted, finding myself approaching him slowly instead of taking my normal route to school as I always did. "You could be a murderer."

He laughed, shoving his hands inside of his pockets. "You're coming closer. You mustn't believe that." He teased me and I took a deep breath.

"Maybe I'm the murderer." I rose my eyebrows up at him as I whistled innocently and he scoffed right when the words left my lips. "You shouldn't trust strangers, you know."

"Then how do you make friends?" He shot and then checked his watch. "Pretty sure we've established that we're both not murderers. So, would you like a ride to school?" He pressed and I held a hand out to him.


"My name's Luke." He smiled and then unlocked his car for us. "What's Mikey short for?" He asked me and I hummed shortly.

"Nothing special." I answered and he got into the driver's side, immediately rambling on about how driving here is so different from America.

Here we go, the guy talks way too damn much.


"Michael Clifford?"

"Here." I called and raised my arm. She nodded and marked me down on the roster, immediately calling out another name.

"Look at the freak," some kid laughed as he nodded at me. "What boy wears skirts and dyes his hair girl colors?"

I stayed quiet, starting my bellwork as the teacher called role, raising her voice to overpower the others. I wasn't afraid. I wasn't intimidated. I just didn't want to cause too big of a scene, especially when kids from my own neighborhood were in class. News spreads around quick in this small town.

"Quiet!" The teacher practically snapped, and their snickered insults quieted into a defeaning silence.

"Fucking queer." Someone mumbled to me after a few moments and I just tried my best to ignore them, pulling my lips into a tight line.

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