chapter three

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" anyone can be pretty on the outside, but not everyone can be pretty on the inside "


I couldn't explain it.

It was a sweet feeling, relieving if you would. The satisfying pop or even the crack when bones are snapped or fractured. It's like taking a shower after a long, hot, and sweaty mid-summer day. There's just something so calming and satisfying about it, about stabbing a knife through something and dragging it down as you push through whatever resistance it gives. It's like your stress and anger leave the bigger the cut gets, the longer you drag the knife.

Of course, if you weren't a fucked up and sadistic person like me, you just wouldn't understand the thrill and complete happiness I got from something as sinful as killing another person. I would probably seem crazy to you.

Good, because I am.

I watched as blood dripped down the wall and the motionless body of my last victim, the thick substance pooling on the floor beside my feet. I stepped back before it could stain my light brown boots, and the crimson substance was dripping from my knife and splotched over my clothes.

I took a deep breath and then smiled as the girl hung limp and lifeless on the wall. Her eyes were open wide, several cuts ripping open her skin and a few bones peeking out from when she tripped and tripped and fucking tripped like the dumb bitch she is. Pardon, the dumb bitch she was.

If this were a horror movie, I could just hear the audience calling her a cliché blonde.

I cleaned the knife on the bottom of her shirt and then walked away from her, opening a small metal locker nearby as I took my theater mask off. I quickly took my clothes off, changing into a new outfit that consisted of all white thigh-high socks and a pale pink, frilly dress. I took the garter and then wrapped it around my upper thigh, quickly hiding away my knife and gun under the skirt of my dress.

I shoved the dirty clothes inside the locker and then shut it before grabbing my backpack off of a table. The girl's phone rang and I laughed as I grabbed it, seeing that her boyfriend was asking her to send pictures of herself to him, like the pig he was.

I turned the device off and made my way out of the building, jumping over gates and stepping over puddles or large branches. I was careful, borderline paranoid, of not getting my clothes dirty. If I got my clothes dirty then people would be suspicious of where I've been, and I didn't feel like questions today. Too many questions made me irritable, and I was in too good of a mood to ruin.

I pulled the girl's phone out and the checked my makeup with the front camera, finding that it looked just as good as when I left and I luckily didn't have any blood on my face. I smiled and then saw a car coming by, so I tossed the phone in front of it. It ran the device over and I laughed as it shattered to a million pieces.

I walked along the main road after stomping on the pieces to assure that it was untraceable, humming a lullaby softly to myself as I enjoyed the long walk home.


"What are you doing out so late?" I heard someone ask and I jumped at the sudden voice. "Gessi-Oh, Mikey. I'm sorry... I uh, I confused you for someone else." I heard Luke's voice and I nodded.

"Gessibel? You mean the neighborhood whore?" I asked and he choked on his milkshake, or whatever he seemed to be drinking. "She's slept with everyone over fifteen."

"Be nice. She's sweet." He countered, clearly just as gullible and innocent as I thought he was.

"Can a fish taste sweet?" I asked him as I approached my house, hearing him cough loudly when I passed by. "Why are you always around when I'm on a walk?" I muttered to myself, but he seemed to hear me clearly.

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